Chapter 18

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The fight's commotion drew two more men out from the hut. They met with the Juggernaut in the center of the dock, each of them confused and on guard. Kayn had slid behind the hut and into the darkness. He watched as Petra laid on the wet ground, flattening her body below the tall grass. Soraka had hid behind a tree, she stood still grasping her staff tightly in her hands. Kayn had assumed Kench left, but just as his doubt creeped in the large creature's eyes flickered from under the dark water's surface and vanished back under the dock. Perfect Kayn thought. His army was slowly forming, and in a way he was eager to see what they could do all fighting together.

Kayn was pressed against the backside of the building. He closed his eyes and let his body slowly seep through the wood wall. It was ability he had acquired in his last year with Zed, one he could do well but one that also drained him for a few moments after the fact. His body became translucent and his eyes glowed red as the Darkin was becoming impatient. He wanted to fight, he wanted the bloodshed.

Kayn carefully peeked into the small hut to see two more men sitting comfortably, drinks in hand. They looked to be joking about the boy that had failed to stand guard, making large hand gestures and mocking tones. Kayn glanced around the room, there was only one door besides the the one that led outside and Kayn assumed what's where he would find their captives. Exhausted now, he slid further across the inside of the wall and with a weary breath he staggered out from the wall and into the dark room. He hoped there were no enemies inside it, but still pulled the scythe from his back and took on a battle stance. His eyes began to glow brightly, barely illuminating the room around him.

Two beings, one small like a yordle or dwarf and one human girl, hung limply from the ceiling. It was eerily similar to how Petra had been strung up when he found her. It sent a shiver down his spine.

Kayn slowly approached the two women, his eyes still glowing. He hoped they wouldn't become startled and start screaming. "I'm here on behalf of Soraka." He whispered. The small girl's head perked up, her eyes immediately tearing. "I need you both to be very quiet." Kayn shifted about the room as silently as he could, making only minor creaks in the wooden floor boards. It didn't seem to be enough to alert the men.

"I'm going to release both of you." Kayn whispered, cutting the ties that were wrapped tightly around Lulu's wrists and catching her small body before it could crash into the floor. He looked to the other girl "You work for Urgot?" He spoke, voice barely coming above the sound of the wind. The red haired girl nodded, and Kayn also released her wrists. He lowered her body to the ground and handed her a dagger from his boot. "I expect you both to fight. They're split up right now, we can easily take the two of them down."

"Where are the others?" Lulu whispered "There was a lot of them."

"We already took care of them. Looks like there's five of them left." Kayn pointed to the wall, signaling outside. "Three of them out there, two in the next room."

"Who's in the next room?" The red head asked. "What did they look like?"

"A man in a blue hood and a black haired man wearing heavy armor." Kayn explained, hoping maybe the girl had some insight.

"Talon and Darius." She whispered. "We can take them."

"You know them?" Kayn questioned.

"I used to work for them. They weren't so bad until they signed a contract with some ass in Zuan." She spoke quietly but rage dripped from her words.

"Well," Kayn began "Lets take them down. Here's the plan..."

Outside Petra watched as the three guards split up and began to circle the hut. Along with the Juggernaut there was a white haired woman who carried a large sword, and smaller man dressed in what looked like a mage's robe. The mage walked off the dock and towards Petra. She watched as a flock of black birds began flying down from the trees circling the man as he investigated the brush. At this rate Petra knew he'd see her, and so she had to think fast.

She pulled the crystal pieces from her chest and tossed them into the air. The mage's head spun around and he made a beeline for Petra. She leaped to her feet and pulled the crystals down from the sky. They came raining down piercing the mage several times before he sent his flock of birds at her. She leaped into action, batting the birds that picked at her skin away. In a hurry she made a crystal jolt from the ground under her enemy, he staggered forward falling at her feet. She went to leap back but instead he grabbed her ankles, dragging her down to the muddy ground. He warped his long slender fingers around her neck and began choking her. Petra ripped the crystal from her necklace off and sent it whizzing past the Mage.

"You missed." He let out a devious laugh, squeezing harder around her throat.

"I- Didn't-" She managed out. The crystal from her neck was sent straight into the larger one she made earlier. It shattered, sending hundreds of small and sharp pieces flying all around them on the ground. The mage ignored it, working to keep her restrained and suffocated. But to his surprise she flicked her wrist and the crystal remnants all came back to her, forming a long sword in her hand. She reared it back and drove it straight through his ribs and out his chest.

The mage's eyes bugged out of his head and blood dripped from his lips onto Petra's face. He rolled off of her, grasping the weapon in his chest. She pulled the sword out and all of the crystals fell apart, deconstructing the murder weapon. He was slowly dying and in a way Petra enjoyed watching the life leave his eyes. But enough was enough, and she rolled his almost lifeless body into the swamp, his corpse floating slowly under the dock.

Tahm Kench had stayed in the water, he was enjoying the carnage above as it sent multiple bodies down into his territory where he was able to happily feast on the casualties. He monitored Petra and Soraka, in a way taking on a personal responsibility for them. He watched as Petra collapsed on the ground breathing heavily. She had won her first fight, Kench could tell by the way she reacted when the Mage died right before her eyes.

He turned his attention over to Soraka who was suddenly being dragged from behind the tree by the female guard. She had a hand full of her hair and looked to be pulling her towards the water. Kench quietly swam over staying under the dark surface. He watched, looking for an opportunity to spring on them. Soraka was struggeling and the guard was becoming annoyed. She hit Soraka, knocking her out. Dragging her limp body over the guard pushed her into the water.

"Takes care of that." She wiped her hands, her foot extending into the swamp to push Soraka's body further out into the water.

Kench grasped Soraka and tucked her into his mouth for safety. He swam forward and all at once his large body leaped from the water, springing himself at the female. She was caught off guard and scrambled for her weapon.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size, lass?" He lunged at her, his long tongue whipping out and hitting her. She was covered in his saliva, it was thick and sticky. Her hands slipped and she couldn't get a good grasp on her sword. She fell back and in a moment of desparation she yelled.


Kench Lunged at her again, his tongue darting out and lashing at her face. Her skin was warm and soft and it made him hungry. He pulled Soraka from the safety of his jaws and carried her like a ball under his thick arm.

"You sure do look good." He hummed, his tongue wetting his lips. "I bet you taste so sweet." He laughed heartily and picked the guard up with his free hand. She struggled, waving her sword around, but she still wasn't able to get a good grasp on it.

Kench sized her up, and when he was ready his jaw unhinged revealing his numerous pointed teeth. He lifted the girl in the air and dangled her over his mouth. She was screaming hysterically now, trying her best to wiggle away from his grasps. But it was too late, his long tongue reached up and wrapped around her torso pulling her into his jaws. He chomped down, the sound of bones cracking, screaming, and then silence...

Kench rinsed his mouth with swamp water and placed Soraka back inside before swimming back into the abyss. He wanted to hide before the other guard, Sion, made it back over. And he was coming...

EDITED 11/21/17

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