Chapter 27

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Rhaast was taking over Kayn's body. The girls took a step back, looking on as the witch continued to press firmly against the demon's skull. His body began to rise from the bed, a large red hand swinging up towards the witches face. She cast a shield around herself, deflecting his blow. Under her hand began to smoke, the candle flames rising and rising, leaning in towards the demon as he writhed in anguish.

"I will kill you," Rhaast boomed. His voice echoing throughout the room vibrating the walls. Items dressed around her home began to fall and hit the floor, glass shattering everywhere. "You will pay, you can not over power me!" His voice was ferocious and dark, it sent shivers down Petra's spin as she watched the ritual unfold. 

The witch held strong, steadfast to his threatening remarks. He tried his hardest to break her shield, but could not. Her hand stayed pressed to him, continuing to whisper the spell during all the chaos. Rhaasts skin began to turn black from under her hand, and suddenly the scythe pulled from the demon's back and hovered in the air about them.

"Don't do this!" Rhaast's voice started to sound unsure, his red eyes widening as he realized the witch was succeeding in binding him to the human. 

The scythe began to spin in the air, smoke emitting from the long blade.  It caught flame and heat radiated throughout the tiny room, embers hitting the floor around Rhaast and the witch. Her voice became louder, she yelled out the binding spell above Rhaast's agonizing cries. It was lucky that no one was around as it sounded like murder, like the end of the world.  

She chanted the same words over and over again, smoke flooding the room as everything around them began to catch fire. Soraka realized the witch needed help and began chanting with her, leading Katarina and Petra to do the same. Soon all four girls were belting the binding spell, their hands entwining with the witches, forming a circle around Rhaast.

Then, suddenly, all the flames darted towards Rhaast engulfing his body and almost immediately going out leaving Kayn's human body behind. The witch dropped her shield, staggering back into a chair. Petra ran to Kayn, lifting him up to look at his face. One eye was still red, his other returning to it's natural blue state. She was shocked to see that his left arm had kept the color of Rhaast's skin, his finger tips now sharp black talon's to replace his nails. The  red skin reached over onto his shoulder and across the left side of his chest and faded out into Kayn's human skin like it had always been there. He was truly part demon now.

"Kayn?" Petra looked into his eyes. He slowly came too, frantically feeling about the the scythe that had dropped to the bed next to him. He grasped it in his hand, his eyes racing to his new arm. He looked at it closely, mortified to find it was permanent. 

"What the hell happened?" He asked, looking around the room at the girls. 

"I've bound the demon to you." The witch spoke "Now he is nothing without you, as you will be nothing without him. Do not ever loose that scythe, as within 24 hours you will perish and so will the demon."

Kayn's brow furrowed, not fully comprehending what was just said. "So we are no longer immortal?" He asked.

"You are immortal in each other's hands. If you loose one, you loose the other."

"How do you feel?" Petra asked, she felt she had done the right thing but her fingers were mentally crossed as she eagerly awaited Kayn's comment.

"I feel... amazing." He smiled, looking up to Petra. "I feel better than I ever have, with or without Rhaast."

She grinned, pleased to hear that he was ok. She extended her grin to the witch, embracing her in a hug. "Thank you." She whispered.

They helped the witch clean her home, leaving her with a hefty amount of gold to compensate her for the broke items the ritual caused. When they left the sun had began to rise, the streets of Tempest Flats illuminating in brilliant shades of red and orange. Petra couldn't help but admire the new glow Kayn had adopted. He was alive, and strong- he emitted pure power like fire emits heat. 

Exhausted the girls put themselves up in a small bed and breakfast right in the center of town. It was quaint and over priced, but everyone was tired. They shuffled into rooms, Soraka and Katarina falling asleep almost as soon as their tired bodies hit the old beds. Petra had rented the small room across the hall, Kayn following in-toe. She herself was utterly exhausted but Kayn was wide awake, energy coursing through his veins.

"I'm going to sleep." Petra laid on the bed, wiggling out of her dirty and worn cloths. She slid her bare body under the blankets pulling them up over her head. "We'll stay the night and leave in the morning." She decided, a large exhale escaping her lips in the comfort of the blanket cocoon she made around herself. "You should be sure-" She yawned "- To rest up too, Kayn."

She quietly nodded off leaving Kayn wide awake on the side of the bed. He wasn't tired at all, and instead more intrigued with his new transformation. His eyes studied his new arm closely, realizing he had never actually seen Rhaast. He stood and wondered into the terribly small and dim bathroom where he stared at himself in the mirror. There was blood splattered across his face- his blood. He ran the cold water, splashing the dried crimson away from his skin. Kayn went back to studying his body closely. He was intrigued with the change, the demonic deformation that was now his arm. He flexed his sharp finger tips, running them along the sink leaving thing lines engraved into the porcelain. 

Well, well, well... Rhaast spoke from inside Kayn's mind. It looks like it's just you and me for all eternity now. He didn't sound amused. 

"It does, doesn't it?" Kayn retorted, his eyes meeting his reflection in the mirror. Rhaast was flowing about him, patches of his skin turning red then vanishing. 

Hah- I'm sure you're pleased. He hissed.

Kayn grinned into the mirror. "I am." He took a deep breath in "Why were you trying to kill me?" He asked quietly, staring directly into his own eyes from the mirror. 

There was silence for a few moments before Rhaast began. I can not control the love you have for the girl, Petra. Your affection for her will make you weak, it was making you weak. It made me weak. His words seared anger into Kayn's mind.

"So you would kill me because of it? Because of my human emotion?" His brows furrowed at Rhaast's comment.

Yes. He affirmed, I am not human. I can not afford to be weakened by petty human affinities. I crave only one thing: Power.

Kayn scoffed at his remark. "She does not make me weak." He said "You made me weak when you tried to kill me."

I tried to protect myself. Rhaast fought back. I tried to keep myself alive, I refuse to spend all eternity stuck inside that damned weapon. 

"Well now you don't have to. Now you have one option, and only one. Me.

I only ever had one option, and that was always you. The scythe was only my confine if you were not in the picture.

"So you thought keeping my body would keep you alive? With out me?" Kayn laughed. "You're not as smart as you try and come off, Rhaast."

Apparently not, Kayn. For here we are, attached to one another for all of eternity. 

EDITED 11/21/17

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