Chapter 36

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The hike up to the temple was a grueling one. Not for physical reasons, but for mental ones. Kayn began to dread this quest more and more with every step he took. All of the possibilities haunted him  and so did all the outcomes. As he drew nearer and nearer he almost chose to just turn around and leave the Northern part of Runeterra. Head back to Bilgewater or even the Sharima Desert. But still Kayn dragged forward, closer and closer to the temple doors. 

Finally he stood in front of the large golden gates, his finger tips running along their large handles. What awaited inside was surely a blood bath in the making, and the only thing separating him from the death and chaos was a simple push of a lever.

Kayn opened the door.

As he entered the Order Of The Shadow's base he quickly realized this was a production held by Zed, not a fight. It was clear that Zed was assuming there would be no struggle as the courtyard was full of unsuspecting Zaun citizens. If he were expecting a brawl he'd have been much better prepared. Though he's a monster, he did try to spare unrelated casualties. Assassins are tidy, accidental murders are not tidy. He used to tell Kayn when he'd run off the map. So he stayed back, his body pressed up against the wall. Kayn monitored the crowd before his attention turned towards a stage that had been set up over the center of the old Koi pond.

As a child Kayn found a release from the pressure to be an assassin by sitting at the water and feeding the fish. It was something he did in the private hours of the night, and he always did his best to remain out of sight so to avoid embarrassing back lash from his peers. He had fond feelings for the pond and it was surely the only thing he felt comfort in seeing again. Until he noticed Petra on her knees, hands bound and eyes covered...

"Shit." He breathed quietly, cursing the girl for already failing the plan.

Stupid girl... Rhaast chimed in.

Kayn pulled his scythe out once more as he realized he'd have to fight if he wanted to save Petra. He knew it was going to be a mess and he knew the second he was spotted he'd be largely out numbered. So he did what any sane man would not have done. Kayn walked straight down the middle of the crowd, a beeline straight for the pond. 

Whispers among the viewers began to echo throughout the large court yard and it was only a matter of seconds before the crowd parted leaving Kayn in plain sight. 

"Zed," He called out as he grasped the scythe tightly in his hands.

Zed's head whipped around from his captives to Kayn, his eyes burning red. "Well, well, well..." he began "I should have known a sick and weak Sheida Kayn was too good to be true." Zed's tone was deep and serious. "I'll assume you killed all my men? You look good." He laughed.

"Every last one of them." Kayn replied, the scythe held up in a battle ready stance.

Zed cocked his head as he walked about the stage. "Think you can do it again?" As the words left Zed's mouth three men leaped from the crowd, lunging at Kayn. One threw their arm around his neck, dragging him back and to the ground. The other two held long swords, prepared to stab at him. 

"Don't kill him," Zed called out "That's my job..."

Kayn regained his composure and lifted the scythe above his head, flinging the large blade into the man that dragged him down's skull. Blood splattered over Kayn's face and chest and when he yanked the scythe out from the dead man's head more blood spilled out over his face, painting him red. Kayn leaped from the ground, the scythe held tightly under white knuckles and sharp nails.

"You have to fight what that damned scythe, don't you?" Zed's voice rang out. Kayn's skin crawled at his tone and he chose to ignore him.

Kayn raised the scythe high above his head again and lunged forward at the other two men. The blade slammed down into the ground knocking the men back. First he swung right, knocking one man off into the crowd of bystanders. Then Kayn swung back around and left, narrowly missing the other man who then jabbed at Kayn's waist, puncturing his flesh from the front. The blade of the sword was ripped away from Zed's soldier as Kayn pulled back and leaned into the scythe again, this time slicing the man from his left shoulder to his right hip. His mangled body fell to the ground, splashing Kayn again with blood. 

"Are you going to have me kill all your goons before I kill you?" Kayn was angry now, his voice loud and powerful. He stepped forward closer to the pond now. The sword still stuck from his waist and as an act of power he ripped it from his own flesh and tossed it high into the air so it came crashing down at Zeds feet impaling the wood stage. Blood gushed from his wound but he ignored it. Adrenaline pulsated so rapidly through his veins he didn't even feel it.

"I'll fight you when you decide to put that silly demon scythe down." Zed laughed, pulling the sword from the stage and tossing it over into the water. 

"I'll put the scythe down when you remove your mask, coward." Kayn spat, knowing well and good that Zed would never remove his mask. All the years Kayn spent under Zed's hand he never once saw his master's face. He assumed no one ever had, and he knew today wouldn't be the day he'd show his face. 

Zed scoffed at his comment and began to make his way off of the stage and around the pond. Kayn took on a defensive stance, grasping the scythe more tightly than he ever had before. He watched Zed's every move as he sauntered over, the crowd pushing far away from the two. When Zed was only a few feet from Kayn he stopped walking. Kayn remained tense and ready to fight at the drop of a hat.

"You want me to remove my mask, Sheida Kayn?" Zed hissed, his red eyes glowing brightly from under the metal mask.

"Just like you want me to drop the scythe." Kayn growled, his body unmoving as his eyes followed Zed who began to walk in a circle around him. He watched the master assassin circle him like a shark and that made Kayn even more tense. When Zed came back around he stepped forward towards Kayn and leaned in close to his face. Kayn froze, his mind racing as he realized he could drive the scythe through Zed's chest right at that moment and be done with it. But then somthing unexpected happened...

Zed's hand slowly climbed up to his mask and with one swift movement the  metal left his face and fell to the ground with a loud clank. The crowd gazed on in awe, his soldiers all rushing as close as the could to get a peek at their leader's face. Kayn's brow furroed as his eyes traced Zed's features. He had white hair, and his skin was smooth and young. Who was this man? He should have been nearing 50 but seemed no more than 30. 

"Drop the scythe, Kayn." Zed growled, an evil grin sweeping across his face. "Let's settle this, right here- right now..."

EDITED 11/21/17

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