Chapter 4

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The two ended up in a dingy tavern tucked away in an extra dark corner of Bilgewater. The building was... quaint, but not exactly a good quaint. It was more teetering on the quaint you'd expect from from a sarcastic back handed compliment. Truthfully, it was just old.

Petra paid close attention to her surroundings and her semi-skitzo savior for signs of malintent. She chose to stick around for now, as there was no indication of impending doom nor did Kayn make it seem as if she could not leave when ever she pleased to. So there was really no reason to go just yet.

Inside the tavern was a buzzed crowd of what could only be Rift fighters. They were singing and dancing and seemed to be celebrating a victory. When Kayn and Petra walked through the door they were promptly greeted by a man handing them each a tall glass of Ale.

"Kayn! You SOB!" The man spoke, a cigar hanging from his lips. "Where were you today?"

"Top secret covert mission, Graves." He replied, grinning while he sipped his ale.

The finely groomed man glanced at Petra, chewing the butt of his cigar for a moment before puffing a cloud of smoke from his nostrils. "Ya... Covert." He chuckled, turning his back on them to join the celebration once more.

"Don't mind him." Kayn said, leading the way towards the bar. "He's upset I didn't fight today."

"You fight? Like on the Field of Justice?" She cocked her head.

"Occasionally. It keeps me sharp." He smiled, sipping at his drink once more.

"Do you both fight?" She asked, curious as to how often the Darkin paid Kayn a physical visit.

"He has a tendency to show up." Kayne admitted. "He enjoys a good fight." His red eye flickered in what she assumed was agreement.

"Are you any good?" She poked, finally sipping her quickly warming ale.

Kayn grinned, his eyes full of confidence. Dozens of wry comments were surely dancing at the tip of his tongue. "You could say that..."

Petra nodded, sipping at her drink some more. She turned her attention to the folks dancing and hollering. It's been such a long time since she'd seen joy like this from others. Isolating herself for so many years had pulled her away from everyone else's realities. She'd forgotten that joy and celebration was a part of life and watching everyone have such a grand time was foreign.

Petra snapped out of her haze at Kayn's words. "I don't know your name yet." He spoke, taking the last swig of his drink.

"Oh. Well I guess you don't. My name is Petra." She blushed, realizing how out of touch from common courtesies she truly was.

"Well, Petra, tell me about yourself. You know quite a bit about me and yet I only know you're first name." Kayn smiled. It was like he had traces of human left in him somewhere. It was a reminder that he was only possessed by a demon, and for some reason that was more unsettling than if he just were a demon, period.

"Well, I'm a Crystalline Demon. I have the ability to grow and manipulate crystals. I imagine that's the type of information you're looking for." She stared at him blankly.

"That's incredible." Kayn seemed genuinely interested. "Show me what you can do." His red eye flickered, almost as if the Darkin were intently listening and watching.

Petra had never needed to preform on a whim, she'd only ever used her abilities when she felt she needed to or when she was ready. Sure she could do it, but she felt a little queasy as the uncertainty of her performance was nerve wrecking.

"I'm still hungry." She shifted the conversation. "You said there was food here, no?"

Kayn smirked "I did." He raised a hand and a waitress sauntered over. She was a large, muscular, dark skinned woman. Her brown hair sat at her shoulders in thick and developed dreadlocks. She had bright green eyes that gleamed each time the light caught them.

"Kayn." She nodded, a thick and deep accent lacing her tongue. "It's been so long since you've come to see me." She frowned.

"I've been traveling, love. But I'm here now." His eyes softened when he spoke with her.

"You're here with another woman." She scoffed, glancing over to Petra.

"Oh you're not jealous are you, Illaoi?" He also glanced over to Petra.

"I'm surprised you've got the gall to bring another woman in here to me after everything." She had a snarky tone to her voice.

"Oh, love. You can't ask me to halt my life for you. It was one night." He frowned, his finger tips impatiently tapping against the wood bar.

"Mmhmm. What do you want to eat, swine?" she sneered at Petra and carried on.

"Stew is fine. Two, please." He seemed to ignore her attitude.

The large woman disappeared into the back and in moments came back out with two bowls. They crashed down onto the bar infront of Kayn and Petra then the woman stormed off leaving them alone to eat.

Kayn sighed "Sorry you had to hear that." He shook his head, a slight laugh escaping his lips. "One weird night left quite the impression as you can see. " he began shoveling stew into his mouth as if he hadn't eaten in days.

"You seem to be popular. " Petra grinned. She too ate quickly, the difference is this was the first time she'd eaten in days. She did her best to remain composed, but the meat seemed to melt in her mouth. Any meal she'd ever had prior to this may have well never happened because this slop of a stew hit the spot.

The two ate in silence, Petra savoring every drop. She was so hungry and did her best to pace herself especially because when they were done eating Kayn would certainly be requesting that she use her abilities.

EDITED 11/20/17

Kayn's Prodigy: A League of Legends Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now