Chapter 26

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Kayn and Petra eventually reached Tempest Flats. It was a slow journey, as Kayn was tired and only growing weaker. For the first part of the day he refused help from Petra, leaning against the scythe like a cane. Leaning on the very thing that was handicapping him.

Towards their arrival Kayn buckled and finally allowed Petra to slip an arm under him, supporting him as he stumbled along the beaten path. It was a grueling walk, one that took a toll on both of them.

By the time they got there it was sun down and the festival had already started. Hundreds upon hundreds of witches, warlocks, and others of the assorted types walked the streets. Their magic radiated all around the city and the moment Kayn and Petra entered they felt the aura of sheer magical power.

Kayn kept his head down low and Petra did her best to keep the support of his tired body as nonchalant as possible. He had returned the scythe to his back and so he became far more unsteady than he lead on.

"Kayn are you going to make it into the center of town?" She spoke, her eyes catching the gaze of concerned and hesitant festival goers.

"I don't know." He admitted, even his voice sounding weak and sickly. "We need to get somewhere I can sit."

Petra nodded, trudging forward. She navigated through the crowd doing her best to keep him from getting knocked down by accidental stranger's shoulders, but as they reached the heart of the festival it became harder and harder to keep going. He had almost fallen at least half a dozen times and Petra wasn't sure if she could lift Kayn's weight from the ground.

"Petra..." Kayn managed out. "Petra, Rhaast is coming. " he stopped walking and vomited on the ground in front of him, his body turning cold sending shivers down his spine.

"Oh my god." Petra gasped "Kayn... that's all blood. You must have just vomited a pint of blood." She was terrified now as she watched his skin flush of all color. His one blue eye glossed over and was replaced by a white film. "Kayn..."

He began to stagger, his body dragging him down to the ground in the puddle of his own blood.

She became lost, unsure of what to do next. People were gathering around watching him collapse. They pointed and covered their mouthes in awe then moved on. It was only a matter of time before they were escorted out and Petra was loosing her cool.

Then, suddenly, two sets of arms lifted Kayn from the ground. Petra looked up, shocked to see Soraka and Katerina standing by her side.

"How did you find us?" Petra asked, relieved to have friendly help.

"We performed a locator spell. It was easy to find you, Rhaast's presence is so strong right now." Soraka said, pushing Kayn's hair from his face to get a look at his eyes.

"We need to get him to a witch that can perform a binding spell." Petra urged, helping them lift Kayn's limp body.

"I know someone. But we need to go now, he doesn't even look alive." Katarina said, beginning to lead the way, navigating through the crowd to a silent street away from festival.

She lead them to a small home tucked in between a shop and a deli. It was hidden in such a way that you wouldn't expect someone to live there, but they approached the door and Katarina laid a hard fist against the wood.

"I hope she's home. If she's not we may be shit out of luck." She banged on the wood again, peeking through the small window at the top of the door.

"Who's there?" A female voice called from the other side of the door.

"It's Katarina. I'm with friends and we desperately need help." Her voice was laced with intense urgency.

Kayn's body had gone entirely limp, almost dead weight. Every now and then he tried to raise his head but it was sent whirling back down as his red eye glowed menacingly.

The door opened after a series of chains and deadbolts unlocked and a purple haired girl peeked out.

"What in the world?" She asked, her eyes drawing to Kayn.

"We need a witch to bind him to a demon." Katarina gave the overview of the situation. The girl looked confused.

"You want me to bind a demon to him?" She helped them bring him inside and laid him across her bed. Her home was one room, you could yell she didn't get out much.

Petra showed her the scythe on his back and then his one red eye. "He's been possessed by the demon from this scythe."

"Is that the..?" She began.

"Yes. It is." Katarina nodded before Petra had to answer.

"Shit." The purple haired girl said "I heard about him. He's the only one able to wield this thing." She went to touch it but Petra shooed her hand away.

"Don't. You can't." She covered the scythe with his clock again. "We met a women who read his aura. She said the demon was tying to kick him out of his own body." Petra ran a hand threw his hair, her concern rising. "She said if we bind the demon to Kayn they'll be forced to work together."

"That could work in theory. But I'm not sure I can-" the girl began.

Petra cut her off "Please just try."

After some prep the witch was ready. She set up around her bed where Kayn was passed out. Herbs and incense filling the room with a musky sent. She lit candles and placed them all over the floor carefully in a circle.

The girl closed her eyes and laid a hand on Kayn's head. She began mumbling under her breath, the candle flames rising high.

Suddenly Kayn's body rose, leaning into the witches hand. Both of his eyes glowed red and horns slowly began to show on his head.

"Die, witch." It was Rhaast, and he wasn't happy...

EDITED 11/21/17

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