Chapter 8

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They slept back to back, even though the kiss was a welcome one. Truthfully they were in no position to do anything other than sleep as both Kayn and Petra were battered and weak. So they slept, both a tad uncertain with the other. Both silently hoping for the others embrace...

Come day break Kayn had already awoke leaving Petra to rest by herself. He tended to his wounds which sadly were not healing like he had hoped. It seemed the Darkin side of him could only do so much.  His cuts and bruises were numerous; More than he'd like to admit. Unfortunately they were hard to hide as they covered his face, arms, and chest. His neck was a deep shade of purple with hints of blue and yellow. It hurt every time he swallowed or turned his head and so he did his best to keep his movement slow and minimal.

When Petra woke she too was a mess. Her cuts had scabbed over and made it hard for her to walk normally for if her strides were too long the cuts would reopen sending dribbles of blood down her legs.

The pair was the definition of a sore sight yet both seemed positive and uplifting. So much so that neither brought up the prior day's defeats. Instead, they both looked ahead to plan their leave from Bilgewater.

"We'll travel by boat and get off in Noxus." Kayn planned, laying out a map of Runeterra down on the bed. "The boat ride will take two or three days and if we're lucky there will be a healer on board that we can pay off to help us." He dragged his finger across the map showing their rout.

"And if there's not?" Petra asked.

"Well then we'll have to lay low longer than I'd like. Zed won't expect us to head towards Noxus, so it might buy us more time. "

"And is there a reason why he won't look in Noxus?" Petra questioned, wondering why they would be going into the volatile city.

"There's some rift fighters there who aren't too keen on me, he wouldn't expect that I'd walk into another possible battle like that. We'll just have to do our best to avoid certain parts of the city. " he rolled up the map and crossed his arms as he anticipated push back from Petra. He was not wrong.

"So we're going to leave one violent city for another?" She asked "that doesn't sound like the best idea."

"Well it's the only place I know Zed won't look. It'll hopefully buy us time to recover and start your training."

Training. Petra nodded, realizing that was now the goal. She pondered for a moment. How in the hell did she get here? Why couldn't she just have stayed in solitude on that damn mountain. Or was a strong and powerful fighter her true self? Was she to become an assassin? Or would she infact die trying? Whatever it was all Petra knew was that somehow Kayn, this stranger that had come to her rescuer, made her feel comfortable and safe. She didn't know him, but she trusted him. She wasn't sure if this was good or bad yet...

"So when do we leave?"

Bilgewater was actually quite beautiful in the sunlight. It was earthy and aquatic and all walks of life crowded the streets. There were merchants selling guns and at that same stand selling Poro snacks. There were large monsters with tentacles and there were small yordles. Humans, robots, mystery creatures. All of them were for some reason in Bilgewater, and that intrigued Petra.

They navigated the streets, cloaked and in silence. The less attention the better, especially if Zed had sent spies to track their moves.

The boat was scheduled to sail promptly at noon and the pair had just barely made it. The captain stood at the dock with his palm out, waiting for his pay and as soon as the gold his hit hand Kayn and Petra were rushed aboard, upbraided for their almost-tardiness.

Aboard the boat was crammed and much less accommodating than expected. The deck had no seats and if you needed to sit the sopping wet floor was the place. For the most part all the travelers kept to themselves, holding their belongings tight to their chess and trying their best to mind their own business. It was clear they had hopped onto a ship full of less than savory characters and all anyone wanted was to get through the voyage in one piece.

But not Kayn.

"We need to try and find a healer," He leaned close to Petra, peeking out from under the heavy hood that covered his battered face. "If we find one it won't be cheap, but I'm willing to pay the coin."

Petra nodded, tilting her head back slightly to get a view at the others on their ship. "We need to be careful who we ask. A simple question could provoke something that we're trying to avoid." She shifted her weight and propped herself up higher onto her toes, surveying the crowd.  "Not to mention I'll be useless if a brawl erupts. I can't conjure crystals over wa-"

"Don't say that so loud." Kayn interrupted "it's a weakness. Lesson one: don't admit to your weaknesses. We'll work on it later."

He cut the conversation short and grabbed Petra's hand, pulling her towards the back of the ship where Kayn had spotted a centaur looking creature. Not animal, not particularly human. But she had a staff and was obviously a mage, so maybe she could do some healing.

They got close, and he studied her surroundings. She seemed to be alone, and she looked like she was trying her absolute best to sail under everyone's radar. When Kayn approached her, she was quick to cringe and tried to slink away without conversation.

"Wait, wait." He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm not interested." She whispered, avoiding eye contact.

"Wait. Please. We're looking for a healer." He kept his hand on her shoulder and tried his best not to loose her in the crowd.

"I'm sorry I'm not interested." She pulled away and began to weave through the boat.

Petra thought quick and darted ahead to cut her off as she realized if she walked any further she would have landed right in the middle of two men arguing.

Petra grabbed her arm and yanked her back, catching the girl in her arms and immediately covering her mouth and pointing at the fist fight that had just erupted.

"Watch where you're going." She spoke, helping the creature back to her feet. "We're not trying to harm you, but darting off like that in a crowded boat where you're alone might attract some harm." She stood now in front of the girl, making eye contact to ensure she was listening. "We just need a healer." Petra pulled her cloak away from her legs and showed her the scars that were forming.

"Ok." The girl bit her lip, glancing around before taking Petra's hand and pulling her off to the side. Kayn followed in toe.

"I'll heal you, but I expect a favor in return." She spoke, searching the bag that sat at her hip.

"Alright, what do you need?" Petra was doing all the talking. Kayn was simply an accessory at this point.

"I need to get to a friend in the center of Noxus. She's hurt, and I'm not sure why she's there." The girl seemed upset and almost frantic. She pulled a note from her bag and handed it to Petra. "She got this delivered to me. I'm very worried." Her hooved feet clunked from side to side in urgency.

Kayn peered over Petra's shoulder as she red the note. "Captured. Noxus. Hurt. Help. - Lulu" was all it read. It was cryptic, and certainly concerning.

"Who could have taken her?" Petra's hands were sweating now, her mind immediately darted to her own capture.

"I don't know." She admitted "but I need to help her."

Petra glanced back at Kayn and he slowly nodded. "We'll help you."

EDITED 11/20/17

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