Chapter 19

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"Stay in the room, we have the element of surprise." Kayn began "It's dark and to them there is no way anyone would have gotten in here without using the door."

The girls nodded. "We'll follow your lead." Lulu whispered, she seemed nervous and scared but Kayn had to put that into the back of his mind. He needed to focus on what was at hand: A most likely bloody brawl that he hoped Rhaast would join.

"I need you girls to start making a commotion. Lure them in here. Hide in the dark corners, let me start the fight." He stretched his back, slowly rotating his shoulders until they cracked. He held his scythe firmly and stood next to the door with his back against the wall. "Go." He nodded.

On queue the girls started yelling, it was really complete nonsense but it did the trick. Kayn pressed his ear up to the wood wall and listened.

"What the fuck?" One of them spoke. "Shut the fuck up, eh?" He yelled again.

The girls kept screaming, "We need to pee!" They begged. Kayn shook his head, but if it worked it worked.

"I swear to god if I could kill both of you right now." The voice called back. "Talon go see what the fuck they want.

"Me?" The other one, Talon, spoke. "Why me? You go let them out to piss."

"I said go." It sounded like he had pushed a table over as tankards smashed to the floor with his words.

"Fuck, Darius. There goes our beer." Talon retorted. Kayn could hear him get up though, his feet stomping over to the door. "I hope you little lambs are ready for a beating. You'll pay for making us waste our beer." Kayn rolled his eyes, it sounded like they may be intoxicated. Perfect.

The door whipped open, leaking candle light into the small room. The man, Talon, looked confused when he realized the girls were no longer tied up. Before he could say anything Kayn pounced on him swinging his scythe and landing a devastating blow directly on his chest. Talon flew back out the door way and into the wall of the other room. The other man, Darius, was standing now. He held a giant battle axe in his hands and slowly approached the room.

"Alright, girls. That's enough play time." He spat, walking over to the door way. "Now get on the ground and I won't kill you."

"Darius, wait-" Talon began, but it was too late. Kayn lifted his weapon and slammed it into the floor sending Darius staggering back. Kayn leaped through the door way and spun his scythe around him in a wide circle, landing a solid hit on Darius' face.

The girls ran out of the room, the red head leaping towards Talon who was recovering from having the air knocked out of him. She found another dagger on the floor and used it to her advantage. She wielded two now, and spun rapidly in a circle slicing down Talon's chest and face. He too pulled daggers from his belt and began tossing them at her. She did her best to dodge them, only taking minor cuts. Lulu stood at the back line giving health to the red head as she fought Talon dagger to dagger.

Darius was posing a little more of a problem for Kayn. After he caught his breath Kayn had attempted another swing at him but was sent flying back into the wall by a heavy hit of Darius's battle axe.

Kayn had little armor and his shoulder had been gouged badly. He fell to the floor, grasping at his wound. And just as he needed Rhaast the most he came. Kayn's eyes glowed red, the horns growing from his skull, His body contorted and grew as his skin took on a thick protective stone-like shell. His shoulder healed, leaving only the slightest blood stain that almost perfectly blended into his now red skin. The Darkin had come out to play...

"Bad move!" He laughed, his deep voice echoing. Rhaast slammed the scythe into Darius'chest knocking him to the floor. He raised it high above his head and tore it back down, laying right into his chest plate. Darius rolled out of the way before Rhaast could hit him again. Darius lifted his axe and swung it low, knocking Rhaast down. He crawled over and held him, punching his face repeatedly. To his surprise Rhaast only laughed, his demonic tone growing more and more devious with each blow.

Kayn's Prodigy: A League of Legends Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now