Chapter 28

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***The following chapter contains explicit content intended for mature readers only. If sexual scenes make you feel uncomfortable, you can scroll down and begin reading after the page break. ***

"Are you alright?" A groggy, naked Petra asked as she quietly crept up on Kayn in the bathroom. 

"I am. Did I wake you?" He frowned, his eyes catching hers before drawing down to her breasts. 

"Mmmhmm..." She stretched, her knuckles rubbing against her eyes. "Everything is alright?" She became serious, looking down to Kayn's demonic arm and hand. 

"Yes, love. Everything is fine." He approached her, grasping her waist in his human arm. His corrupted hand reaching to her face, gently caressing her cheek. He felt goosebumps form atop her skin, her cheeks turning red as she looked away. 

Kayn turned her head back to his and he leaned in, placing his lips against hers. "Thank you." He whispered, his words vibrating against her lips. He returned to the comfort of her mouth, his tongue finding it's way in between. Her heart fluttered against his chest and he pulled her closer, being diligent with his newly found razor sharp left hand.

"For what?" Petra asked, though she knew the answer. She wanted to hear him say it. She wanted the recognition. 

Kayn lifted her body, placing her on the cold porcelain sink. Goosebumps ran across her thighs as he parted them, then disappeared as his warm body pressed up against her. He continued to kiss her, more and more deeply. "You saved me." He managed out in between parted lips.

Kayn felt Petra grin beneath his lips. His right hand fell to her thigh and he pulled her closer to him. She jerked forward and Kayn's hand slid in between them as he un-did the buttons of his pants. They continued kissing, the mirror behind Petra becoming foggy as the bathroom filled with the heat from their bodies. Then, just as Kayn slid himself into her, there was a knock on their bedroom door followed by Katarina's voice.

Kayn inhaled deeply, thrusting into Petra one last time just to hear her moan. He pulled away, fixing himself before leaving her in the bathroom to get situated. Katarina's fists pounded against the door more frantically now, and Kayn trotted over to let her in.


 Katarina's fists pounded against the door more frantically now, and Kayn trotted over to let her in.   

"Morgana, the witch that binded you, she's gone." Katarina was frantic as she stormed into the room. 

"How do you know this?" He cocked his head, confused as to how she found this out within only a few hours of leaving the witch.

"I couldn't sleep, I thought I'd go and see her." Katarina was pacing back and forth.

"And? What did you find? How do you know she wasn't just home?" Kayn was trying to be reasonable or at least find the missing piece of information as something was not adding up. 

"Her door was kicked in and her home was trashed." She was panicking. "There was a note on her table addressed to you." She pulled a piece of paper from the satchel that sat at her hip and handed it to him. 

Kayn stared down at the note, his brows furrowed with anger as he read it aloud. 

Kayn, it would seem you've killed some of my men. I think it's only fair if I take some of your's from you. 
- The Order Of The Shadow

Kayn crumpled the paper in his fist. He took in a deep breath, his eyes closing in guilt. "We're going to Zaun to get her." He said.

"This is all my fault. They're going to kill her, aren't they?" Tears began streaming down Katarina's cheeks. 

"They're not going to kill her." Kayn affirmed. 

"How can you be sure?" She cried.

"Because they know she is connected to me. They left this note to get to me." He growled "And that is exactly what they'll get." Kayn was angry. He knew they must have been following him, they had to have been. How else would they have found the witch? But how long had they been stalked? How much did they see and who saw it? Kayn flipped the small coffee table as his rage hit it's peak. "Get some rest now. We leave at night fall."

EDITED 11/21/17

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