Chapter 35

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When the boat reached Zaun Kayn was overcome with a wave of nostalgia. He had not been back to Zaun since he was exiled all those years ago, and truthfully he had not planned on ever returning. The place was damned to hell and everyone in it was a hopeless cause. 

As he stepped down onto the snow covered pavement he realized something was not right. He glanced up at the sun, which was about to set. He surveyed the streets and concluded that something was happening- hundreds of people couldn't have just disappeared. They all had to have gone somewhere and Kayn had a good idea where... He turned his attention to the temple that was perched upon Zaun's highest point. He cringed as his eyes traced it's peaks, all of the memories flooding into his skull like a broken dam. 

We could leave now... Rhaast spoke. Leave the girl, leave Zed.

"No, we can't." Kayn replied, taking the first step that lead to the temple.

You're just going to waltz in? Through the front?

"Zed is expecting me to arrive weak in the custody of his soldiers. He won't expect me to enter alone." Kayn picked up his pace as he scaled the mountain. 

What are we going to do with the girl? Rhaast questioned. This will be your last big fight, after that you'll have no meaning. Will the girl be your meaning?

Kayn furrowed his brow, his hands reaching up to his back to pull the scythe out. He grasped it firmly, his knuckles turning white under the tension. "No. She won't."

Petra and the girls had entered the temple to find hundreds of civilians gathered around a decent sized pond that sat at the center of the courtyard. A stage had been set above the water, hovering over it's black ripples. On that stage were several girls, all blindfolded with hands bound behind their backs. And behind them stood Zed, Petra recognized his mask. 

For the number of people there it was awfully quiet. The crowd's eyes were fixated upon Zed, almost as if he were their leader. No one uttered a single word and the silence sent a shiver down Petra's spine. 

"Lets split up, Kayn might already be here." Petra spoke. She was terrified and hoped that he was in fact already here. "Just stay out of sight." 

Soraka headed off towards the left wall and Katarina marched to the right. For Petra, that left one one way: Straight down the middle. She inhaled deeply, holding her breathe until it stung her lungs, then exhaled softly. She navigated her way between the crowd doing her best to avoid eye contact. She searched for Kayn, wishing his face would appear hidden among the sea of strangers. She did her best to stay away from the water, knowing that she'd be putting herself right in front of the enemy. But as she searched she realized that if Kayn were here it was probably close to Zed. 

With another sharp inhale Petra stepped into the front row and turned to face the crowd as she quickly glanced at their faces. As she studied them all briefly, she came across a familiar face and immediately knew she had made a grave mistake. Her eyes met with the man from the swamp, the one that came to the bar to fight Kayn. Quickly she redirected her gaze hoping he hadn't seen her, but at the rate of which he darted in her direction she knew she had already been discovered. 

"You." She watched him mouth. Her eyes struck open and she began to back away  bumping into people from the crowd. She noticed his hands were no longer broken, he must have been healed. That would mean there was a healer present which meant their battle may not go quite as planned. 

Petra turned and began to weave through the crowd, her eyes glancing over her shoulder at Talon who was catching up quickly. As a last ditch effort Petra sprung a crystal up from the ground to obstruct his path, but to her demise she was caught the moment her gaze set forward again. She bummed into another assassin who was dressed in yellow, a mask covering his face much like Zed's. He grasped her tightly, a long katana wrapping around her chest and pressing up against her neck. She froze in his grasp as she realized she had failed before it even began.

The man in yellow escorted Petra to the stage straight to Zed who was perched comfortably upon a throne like chair. The katana's blade had sliced ever so lightly into her throat and blood dripped down her neck and in between her breasts. She was presented to Zed by removing the blade from her neck and moving it to her back, the fine point stabbing at her spine. 

"You're the love interest, arent you?" Zed spoke from behind his mask. Petra glanced up to his glowing red eyes that illuminated from under the metal. She didn't reply, only glared up at him in silence.

"You best speak, girl." He growled, a gloved finger pressing against her chest. He dragged his finger tip along the curves of her breasts, smearing her blood across her skin. "My men caught you once already. Will twice be the winning ticket?" His voice curled around the words and ended in the most evil laugh she had ever heard.

"Damn you." She spat, a single tear forming and sliding down her cheek. Zed leaned in  close to her and lifted his mask high enough that only his mouth was visible. She watched as a smirk stretched ear to ear before his tongue slid out from between his lips and pressed up against her cheek. He licked her tear away then pulled his mask back down before another menacing laugh bellowed from beneath the metal. Petra cringed, pulling away from him and into the point at her back. She leaped forward in pain, falling to the wood stage when she realized she had no where else to go. 

"Why don't I have you join our other sacrifices tonight, hm?" He crouched down next to Petra, a hand grasping at her scalp. "You were supposed to be here, anyway."

Zed lifted Petra and dragged her over to the line of girls who were blind folded. He pushed her down next to the witch that bound Kayn and Rhaast and noticed a sigil painted on her forehead. This was all too reminiscent of her kidnapping, and almost as soon as the blind fold whipped around her face to cover her eyes the tears began to pour from her uncontrollably. "Kayn..." She whispered, doing her best not to cry audibly. 

Truthfully, Petra felt this was the end. 

EDITED 11/21/17

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