Chapter 13

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"What do you want." The creature breathed heavy, the tube coming from his face fogging up.

"I need information." Kayn tactfully pushed his hood back, taking extreme care to keep Rhaast covered. 

Another heavy breath, it's shoulders rising and falling slowly. "Why should I help the likes of you?" He leaned towards Kayn, glaring at him through disapproving eyes.

"I'll compensate you for your time." Kayn pulled a coin bag out from under the cloak and bounced it in his hand, the sound of coin hitting coin enticing the... thing.

"That's better. Sit." It leaned back. "You know who I am, don't you?"

"Yes, you're known quite well." Kayn sat down adjacent from him. "Urgot."

Urgot laughed hard, coughing and wheezing before he spoke again. "What do you want to know. I might have an answer for you."

Kayn had to word his question carefully. He knew one wrong comment and it could be curtains. "A friend of mine went missing. I suspect she may have been... borrowed..." He tensed in his seat as man walked closely behind him.

"Borrowed you say?" Urgot cocked his head "How much does this answer cost to you?"

"200 gold." Kayn said, his eyes slowly looking around him as he studied the crowd.

"I don't have answer for you, boy. Run along." His made a shooing motion with his hand, his head turning to the beer on the table in front of him.

"Did I say 200? I mean 500." Kayn pursed his lips in frustration, pulling more gold out from under his cloak.

"That's better." Urgot leaped from his seat swiping the gold from Kayn's hands. 

"Now I want my answer." Kayn stood, prepared to leave the moment he got the information from the awful creature. 

"I heard a couple chumps were... borrowing... different types to bring to Zaun. They've been real sneaky down by the swamps." Urgot snorted "But I'd turn back now. They're a real rough looking bunch. Took one of my gals right out my bar..."

Kayn nodded "Well maybe I'll bring her back with my friend." 

Urgot shrugged "I might have something for you if you do."


Petra stood silently in a corner with Soraka. She did her best to keep to herself, trying her hardest to not touch anyone or anything. Sadly that didn't seem to help much. A man dressed in red approached, he got close and separated Soraka and Petra by stepping in between them. 

"I can smell you from across the bar." He inhaled deeply, his mouth moving to Petra's neck. He was uncomfortably close and it made her nervous.

"I- I'm sorry?" She tried to pull away but found herself pinned against a wall. The white haired man cocked his head, placing a hand to the wall behind Petra. 

"Don't be, dear." He slowly pulled her hood away from her face. Her hand raced up to the fabric to grab it but it was too late. The hood had fallen to her shoulders. He had seen her face. "So beautiful." He whispered, growing closer and closer to her.

"I need to leave, I'm sor-" Petra went to squeeze away but the man had stepped in front of her, pressing his body to hers. She was pushed tightly against the wall, and it appeared that Soraka was also being barraged by a man. The two had been totally separated and Kayn was no where to be seen. 

"Awe. Don't leave just yet. It's been a long time since I've had..." He inhaled deeply against her neck. "Demon."

"Excuse me?" Petra was struggling now, trying her best to wiggle away without causing too much of a scene. 

"Let me get just a taste, won't you?" The man's jaw opened wide revealing two sharp fangs. It was obvious now what he was talking about and what was happening. He was a vampire and he wanted Petra to be his next treat and she couldn't do anything to get away. 

Petra had stiffened her body preparing herself for the sharp pain on her neck. Her eyes closed shut tightly, her hands in fists. The vampire pushed her hair away from her shoulder revealing a pale neck. He began to kiss her and she pulled away immediately. He seemed to ignore it and began kissing down her neck and shoulder anyway. His lips were cold and it made her feel sick. She wanted to scream and break the floor with her crystals, she wanted to impale this scum bag. But for the good of the mission she did her best to keep calm. 

Then it happened. The vampire's teeth priced her skin and his lips wrapped around her neck. But just as quickly as it happened it stopped. The man jerked away from her, his fangs dragging against her shoulder and disappearing from her body. She opened her eyes to find Kayn, whos eyes both glowed red. Horns protruded from his head; It seemed like he was both the Darkin and himself. 

Kayn had ripped the vampire from Petra's body and had reeled back then laid a heavy fist directly to his face. The man who was assaulting Soraka had ran off the second his friend was caught and that left Kayn to a one on one brawl in the corner of the bar. The strangest part was that no one seemed to bat an eye. Things like this must have been normal and it played to their advantage because it was quite clear that Kayn had Darkin blood in him.

His body was contorting, but at the same time reverting back to his human state. It was as if he were fighting not only the Vampire but himself. 

Kayn had the man on the floor. He was punching him incessantly, almost blind with rage. The vampire's blood covered the corner of the bar and Kayn's fists. Petra finally snapped out of her fear-struck daze and realized if she didn't pull him off her attacker he'd kill him and right now that murder was not what they needed.

People were starting to notice what was going on and that made Petra nervous. 

She rushed over pulling Kayn from the man's body. She waved Soraka over who seemed equally as petrified. The two pulled Kayn off the vampire, tumbling over as he fell back onto them.

"Kayn we need to get out." Petra stressed, sliding out from under his body. "We need to go now."

EDITED 11/21/17

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