Chapter 7

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The bedroom was warm and silent. Neither Kayn nor Petra said a word for almost an hour. She had received his message loud and clear, he needed to lick his wounds in silence. He needed time to regain his composure.

Petra posted herself at the window, eyes tracing the shape of shadows as they returned home for the night. She did her best not to pay attention to Kayn's quiet defeat. The frustration and embarrassment radiated off of him like bad cologne, though.

After some time passed he finally spoke. "Zed raised me. " he whispered "he took me in and he taught me everything he knew. He shaped me into the assassin I am. Or, was..." he trailed off, struggling to lift himself from the bed.

"Please, don't get up. " she moved over to him. She sat at the foot of the bed keeping a safe distance. The blankets had been soiled in his blood and she felt compelled to clean his wounds as he did hers.

Petra pulled the same bucket he used earlier over and took out the rag, ringing it until it was barely wet. Kayn looked on in silence. He didn't stop her and instead braced himself for the sting of the water as she dabbed at the gash on his arm.

"Why did he come after you? What did you do?" She asked, carefully moving the up, wiping blood away from his chin.

"He demanded rhaast for himself. I was sent out to retrieve it and instead left with it. " Kayn admitted, wincing in pain as Petra wiped away at a deep cut on his forehead.

"But he wouldn't have been able to wield rhaast anyway." Petra stared. "he pulled it from your back and burned his hand. " she cocked her head, still cleaning the wounds around his face and neck.

"I am the only one able to wield rhaast that I know of." he confirmed "Zed is angry because rhaast makes me far stronger than he will ever be."

"So he wants you dead?" She asked, moving down to the largest wound that crossed the entirety of his chest. "We should cauterize this. It's very deep." Petra quietly spoke.

"Yes, he wants me dead. If he can't wield the power of the Darkin, no one can. " Kayn glanced down at his chest, his hand tracing the deep cut. "It will heal." He spoke.

"But how soon? Will this be a gaping wound for an hour or a week?" She still tended to it, wiping the blood away diligently.

"I don't know. I was only human when it was inflicted. It may heal at a human pace. " Kayn admitted.

"Then we should cauterize it. " Petra stood, looking around the room for metal. She found one of Kayn's daggers and lifted it over the flame of the bedside candle. She held it there for a few minutes, the blade slowly turning red.

"Thank you for defending me." He said, thoughtful eyes meeting with Petra's. "You didn't have too, especially because you yourself were weak. "

Petra shrugged "Now we're even." she smiled. "Now stay still, this is going to hurt. "

Kayn laid back, grasping a handful of Petra's dress. He pursed his lips and braced himself. "Alright. Do your worst."

She leaned in, the hot blade smoking from the humidity of the room. She touched it to the bottom of the wound and watched as Kayn's body contorted as he heaved in immense pain.

"Stay still." She demanded, pulling the cooled down blade from the burnt skin and holding it over then flame once more.

Petra did this several times, working her way up his chest. The room filled with the awful scent of seared flesh as the wound slowly closed. Kayn's body stiffened each time the blade touched down, his grip on her dress pulling her closer and closer.

"Alright. Last one. " She leaned in close and sealed up the last of his wound. All that was left now was a large burn that would surely scar if the demon side of him didn't compensate for it.

Kayn's body pressed back deep into the bed and Petra watched as he took deep breathes in and out.

"Thank you. " He managed, slowly relaxing his muscles. "Now... we're even."

"Yes. Now we are." She smiled, running the damp rag over the wound to relieve the hot sting he surely still felt.

The room was quiet for a moment. Neither had anything else to say regarding Zed. Kayn had summed it up and it was clear to Petra that he would most likely fight Zed for the rest of one of their lives.

The silence was broke by a question. "You know you're free to leave, Petra?" He spoke. "I rescued you for your own well being, not to recapture you. "

"Yes. I know. But I'm not sure I want to leave. I'm not sure where I'd go now that my home has been compromised. " she still sat at the edge of the bed, her small hands toying with the damp blood soiled rag.

"Let me train you. " Kayn spoke "Let both of us train you. You could be so strong. " his words sounded pure and the offer had been exactly what Petra had promised herself she'd do when she was still in captivity. She wanted to learn to fight. To defend herself.

After a moment off thought she spoke. "Ok. " She looked at him, at his eyes. She found traces now of both Kayn and the Darkin. She couldn't decide which was the stronger presence.

Kayn's face lit up, a smile stretching from ear to ear. This was it, his army had started. He no longer had to fight by himself. He could fight now with a partner, one he believed would be very strong.

"We'll move tomorrow. We need to leave Bilgewater. For now, we should rest. " He started to get up, leaving the bed so Petra could sleep. But she stopped him.

"The bed is big enough for us both. " she said, avoiding eye contact.

Kayn cocked his head, a smirk still lingering on his lips. He pulled himself forward and grasped Petra's chin. Her face hesitantly turned to meet his and the two made brief eye contact before he leaned in and softly kissed her.

"The bed is big enough, isn't it?"

EDITED 11/20/17

Kayn's Prodigy: A League of Legends Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now