Chapter 14

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(Your POV)

It was Sark.

S-sark? I said.

(Y/N)?!? What happened to you? Sark said.

Long story just help me please. I said.

Oh of course Slam Goldy come here! Sark yelled.

Slam and Goldy walk over to us and help me up. I couldn't walk because of the pain and almost fell.

Whoa here let me carry you. Goldy said.

T-thanks. I said.

Goldy carried me to Sark's house which was at the edge of the other side of the forest. Sark opened the door and Goldy placed me down on the couch. Slam ran off and got a medical bag.

Here you go (Y/N). Slam said handing me a bandage roll from the bag.

Thanks Slam I didn't think this was gonna be the way we'd meet again. I said.

Here let's help you with that. Sark said slowly lifting Luke's hoodie over my head.

Thanks. I said.

They helped me bandage up my cuts and we started a little small talk. While Slam was cleaning Luke's hoodie for me.

So (Y/N) why were you out here all alone and hurt? Sark asked.

How do I even start with that? Umm ... well ... I was walking with my friends which are the new members to the gang. Then all of a sudden someone picked me up and ran off with me. They brought me to a group of people. Then The Creeps came because I befriended them to get info out of them but they don't know I'm Fighter. Then soon after my friends came. Then they started to make me pick sides. I ran off and managed to get away. After I got away I fell down the hill and Sark found me. I said.

Well that's something. Sark said.

Well at least your ok is the only good part. Goldy said.

Wait a fucking second that was Chilled who carried me. He was going to do a jump on me? To bring Evan and them out of fucking hiding now their going to be all over me. Great fucking job Chilled you just got more trouble on my hands! Fuck! I said.

What! Chilled did this to you? Sark said.

Yup that's fucking great right? I said.

Here (Y/N) just calm down and we'll fix this somehow. Goldy said.

I took a deep breath in and then I let it out.

Your right Goldy but how can we fix this? I'll have them sticking to me they won't let me go to the bathroom alone now. I said.

Heh I think they'll let you go to the bathroom alone. Sark said.

Uhh guys the storm looks to be getting worse. Slam said look out the window with Luke's hoodie in hand stitched up and clean.

Then a big bang was heard and the power went out.

Aww come on storm you can't give us power for another hour I was planning on playing games. Goldy said.

The rest of us broke out in laughter.

Well now that the power is out what are we gonna do? Plus it's kinda getting cold. I asked.

Yeah it kinda is. Sark said.

Here let me go get some blankets for us. Slam said.

I grabbed Luke's hoodie and put it back on me and it kinda kept me warm. Slam then came back with blankets for each of us.

Thanks Slam. Sark said.

Yeah thanks. I said.

So (Y/N) how is life back in the old neighborhood? Sark asked.

I don't know I moved before the summer ended. I said.

Oh really I thought you were on a mission something when we found you. Goldy said.

Well your kinda right but on the other hand I like it here better there's just one problem. I said.

What's that problem? Sark asked.

Too many flirty boys I hate flirty boys. I said.

We all started to laugh at what I just said.

So when is the storm suppose to be over? I asked.

Uhh in a half an hour or so I really don't remember. Goldy said.

Great *Sighs*. I said.

What's the matter (Y/N)? Sark asked.

I don't want to go back I'm afraid of what's gonna happen. I don't want to be followed all day or have to listen to Chilled give me orders. I want to be like you guys I want to quit being a spy I want to be free. I said.

Aww (Y/N) I know you don't want to go back but you have to. What will your parents react to you being gone. And what about your friends I bet their worried sick about you. Sark said.

Yeah this was hard on us when we quit. We couldn't talk to you or anyone else in the gang. They had to pretend they didn't know us. It really hurt when they ignored us and so that's why we moved away. We wanted to forget our past lives but it was hard. Goldy said.

Getting a job, paying the bills, living without help it made our lives a living nightmare. We had to make our way in life without friends. If we made friends it would be hard to keep our secret. Sometimes we would go to bed crying remembering how the pain was unbearable and even if we could go back we would never be trusted. Slam said.

You couldn't talk to us anymore? I don't understand what you mean. Chilled never told me about this. He told me they lost contact with you guys. I thought you were ignoring us not the other way around. I said.

W-what he never told you but you were like 14 you could understand why. Goldy said.

He's been keeping secrets from me for years then. I yelled.

(Y/N) calm down come on you can talk to him later about it. Sark said.

When I get my hands on Chilled I'm gonna slam him in a wall. I yelled.

(Y/N) calm down your gonna work yourself up and pass out.

No I need to find Chilled and show him what happens when you lie to me! I yelled.

As I stood up I passed out from working myself up.

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