Chapter 33

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[Play song when I say.]

(Your POV)

I turned on my flashlight and looked around in the secret room. It was dark and filled with empty boxes. My curiosity getting the best of me causing me to go in the room. I climb in the room seeing how this room must've been where empty boxes were stored. I look around and see a door not to far away from me. I walk over to the door and open it. Surprisingly it was unlocked. I open the door to reveal the outside world and a small little patio area.

Hmm? I hum.

I wasn't expecting a small patio. I close the door and look around the giant room and noticed movement. I shine my flashlight on the area it went to. My heart started to race as the movement got closer to me. Then it jumped at me. I dropped my flashlight as the thing jumped on me. I look at it more clearly and see it's licking me?

What the? I asked.

The dog licked me more times and then stopped getting off me and sitting down. I grab my flashlight and shine it in the dog. It wasn't a dog it was a puppy. The puppy looked like a husky puppy and to be a few months old.

Aww poor puppy. I said.

I looked at him and he looked starving. I picked him up gently and carried him back over to the trapdoor. I climbed down carefully and put the puppy down on the floor. He sat down and waited for me to get off the ladder.

Uhh now that I saved you I got to have an excuse on how I found you. I said.

The puppy yipped a little bit which made me smile.

Whatcha need puppy? I asked.

The puppy then ran over to one of my boxes and bite it.

Huh? I asked.

I looked at the puppy a little long then it came to me.

Oh I should say you jumped in one of my boxes. Your a smart puppy. I said.

I patted the puppy's head then took out my box cutter. I opened my boxes and the puppy continued to chew on the boxes.

Oh your hungry I forgot let's go feed you. I said.

I picked up the puppy and held it as firmly but gently. I opened the door to my room.

Hey bitches guess what I found in one of my boxes! I yelled.

Then the guys came running down the hall to me.

*Gasps* Is that a puppy? Craig asked.

Yup it must've jumped in one of my boxes before I taped it. I said.

Aww it's so cute. Max said.

Marcel gave me a I-know-where-you-found-it look. I smiled a little then looked at the puppy.

Whatcha gonna name it? Arlan asked.

Umm how about wait! What's it's gender? I said.

Pewds lifted the puppy up and looked down at the dog.

Congratulations it's a boy. Pewds said.

Ha ha now what should I name it? I said.

Hmm. Everyone hummed.

I got it how about Shadow? Marcel said.

That's a good name. Brock said.

Alright we got a name now onto food this guy is starving. I said.

Here I'll go buy some food for him. Chilled said.

Can I hold him? Craig asked.

Go for it. I said handing the dog to Craig.

Aww it's so adorable. Nanners said.

Why don't you go play with him while I unpack my stuff. I said.

Ok. Craig said.

The guys expect for Marcel walked downstairs. 

It was in a secret room wasn't it? Marcel asked.

I have no idea what your talking about. I said sarcastically.

Where is it? Marcel asked.

Follow me. I said.

I lead Marcel into my room and into my closet. I then pointed to the trapdoor.

Ooooo what do you find in there? Marcel asked.

Lots of empty boxes, a door to a little patio area, and the puppy. I said.

Cool we could clean that up and make that a little hang out area for us when the others find mine. Marcel said.

If they find your's. I said.

Got it now let me help you unpack. Marcel said.

Okay. I said.

Marcel helped me unpack my clothes and hang them up or put them in my dresser.  

Thanks Marcel I got it from here. I said.

All right come downstairs when you feel like it. Marcel said.

(Time-skip to later)

Marcel then left after a while and went downstairs. I was putting away some of my personal stuff when Shadow jumped on me causing me to fall backward. Shadow then started to lick my face.

(Y/N) have you seen Shadow he ran upstairs and I haven't found him. Craig said.

Then he looked at me and started to laugh a little.

Ugh! Shadow why you do this to me! I said.  

Looks like he has a favorite. Chilled said.

Get him off. I said laughing.

Shadow got off of me and lay down next to me.

Aww I need a picture of this. Craig said as he pulled out his phone.

Craig took a picture of me and Shadow.

Send me that. I said.

*Later that Night*

Alright! Tyler shouted.

Everyone settled down and I sat down with my guitar.

What song do you fuck tards want to hear? I asked.

Don't care! Brock said.

Okay. I said.

[Play the song]

I started to play Stay by Alessia Cara. This song is Chilled's favorite. I even taught him how to play. He gave up after day two. This song means a lot to my gang though. This was the song that I'd play when everyone was down. Though it was recorded and I would play it on my phone. This was also the song I used to relax and make me happy. I pretty much forgot about this song during my depression when the guys left. But at least we're together now. This song will be the one thing that keeps us together. We're a family now and nothing will keep us apart. We got to stick together even in hard times. As our family grows we'll be by each other's sides. And we'll try to at least not fight each other to death. I finished the song and looked at the guys who were all dumbfounded.

That was amazing! Evan said.

Th-thanks. I said and blushed a dark red.

I got that on video. Nanners said.

You never told us you could play the guitar that was beautiful. Luke said.

I blushed a even dark red and everyone by now noticed.

Aww don't be embarrassed. Sean said.

Come on let's go get some sleep its getting pretty late. Chilled said.

I'm not a child anymore Chilled *yawns*. I said.

 Yeah yeah come on your tired. Chilled said.

A few yawns came out of the others and we all walked upstairs. Shadow followed behind me, Bryce, and Brock. We all said goodnight and walked into our rooms Shadow still following behind me. I placed my guitar in my closet and I changed into a tank top and pajama pants. Shadow jumped in my bed and I climbed in. Then I let sleep consume me and I fell asleep.

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