Chapter 34

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(Your POV)

I woke up to Shadow licking me.

Mmm ok ok I'm up boy. I said.

Shadow stopped and got off the bed. He went over to the window and put his nose up to it.

You have to go to the bathroom? I asked.

Shadow then barked.

Alright let's take you to the bathroom. I said.

I got out of bed and walked over to my bedroom door. I opened the door and Shadow ran downstairs and I walked after him. I got to the stairs and slid down the railing. I landed at the bottom without a sound. I walked into the kitchen and went to the backdoor. I unlocked the door and slid it open to have the cold morning air hit me. I walked outside with Shadow and he ran over to the big yard we have. I watched as Shadow sniff the ground. I was a little cold so I crossed my arms and started to rub them to make me warmer. Then a coat was placed on me and I turned my head to see Lui.

You cold? Lui asked.

Kinda. I said.

Lui put an arm around my neck and I looked at him.

You like your new life? Lui asked.

Yeah it's great I love it we're one big happy family now. I said.

Yup and we'll be one for forever. Lui said.

Yup and we'll never separate. I said.

Hey can you promise me something? Lui asked.

I don't like promises but this one I'll do just because it's a new life. I said.

Can you promise me that you'll never give up hope on anybody. Lui said.

 I thought for a second.

I promise and I'll keep that promise for as long as I can. I said.

Thanks I knew you would say that. Lui said.

Shadow came up to us and jumped on me.

Looks like someone is hungry. I said.

Come on boy let's get you fed so (Y/N) can cook. Lui said.

Hey when did I say I would cook? I asked.

I did now come on. Lui said.

Fine I'll cook breakfast but you feed the dog. I said.

Fine by me. Lui said.

We went inside and Lui fed Shadow and I made breakfast for everyone. I was making pancakes with bacon and eggs. When I started to make breakfast everyone started to wake up. When I was finished I gave everyone a plate of food.

Thanks (Y/N). Chilled said.

Your welcome now dig in. I said.

We ate breakfast at a big table with everyone. I saw Tyler was sitting on the edge of his chair. I smirked and got up from the table. I walked over to Tyler and pulled his seat out from under him.

Ah fuck! Tyler said before he hit the hard ground.

Then everyone started laughing.

Nice one (Y/N)! Evan said as he wiped away a tear.

I helped Tyler up and he put me in a head lock.

Ahh Tyler nooooo! I whined.

So (Y/N) wanna go to the shooting range in the basement and train? Max asked.

Sure like old times right? I said.

Yup. Max said.

You have fun we'll be doing our stuff. Tyler said once he let me go.

I went back over to my plates and placed them in the kitchen.

Last one to finish breakfast has to clean the dishes! Chilled said.

I walked upstairs and Shadow followed behind me. I went into my room and Shadow jumped on my bed. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a tank top and a pair (F/C) of shorts. I walked into my bathroom and took a nice shower. I put my clothes on and walked downstairs and of course Shadow followed behind.

You ready? Max asked.

Yup. I said.

We walked downstairs into the basement and started training. Shadow sat down behind me while Max I started to shot at the targets. We always had a small game and had great time doing it. We would see how got the most shots in a minute. As we continued to shot Evan and Lui joined us. They even joined in on Max and mine game. We had a great time I even beat all the boys at shooting. Usually I lose at this game but I won this time.

(Y/N) wanna take a break? Max asked.

Sure I need it. I said.

I placed my pistol back on the rack and walked upstairs with Max, Evan, Lui, and Shadow. We went into the kitchen and got water for everyone.

Thanks (Y/N)! Lui said.

Your welcome. I said.

What time is it? Evan asked.

Around noon. Max said.

Well it's time to feed Shadow then isn't it? I said.

Shadow barked then sat down.

Come on boy let's go feed you. I said.


Hey (Y/N)! Brock said.

Hey. I said.

You doing anything? Brock asked.

Nope just sitting here with my cute little puppy. I said.

Wanna have some fun? Brock asked.

What do you mean by that? I asked with a smirk.

Brock then revealed a big bucket.

You thinking what I'm thinking? Brock asked.

Pour ice cold water on someone? I asked.

Yup. Brock said.

Let's do it. I said.

*A little bit later*

Alright so what did you want us out here for (Y/N)? Evan asked

Uhh I wanted you guys to get pranked! I said.

Then Brock poured the ice cold water on everyone.

(Y/N)! Luke said.

I started to laugh and Brock fell out of the tree because of it. Brock landed in the mud but still continued to laugh his ass off. Then Luke started to chase me.

Come here! Luke said.

No! I said.

We ran around the yard until I tripped and fell. Luke then picked me up and carried me over to the guys. Brian was holding Brock who was still laughing.

Everyone it's time for a group hug. Luke said.

What no. I said.

Then everyone put me and Brock in the middle and everyone hugged.

Aww this wasn't part of the plan. Brock said.

Eww Brock you got me all muddy. Brian said.

Brock and I broke in laughter and then everyone went inside to clean up.

Best prank ever. I said.

Yup that was fun. Brock said.

I'm a Fighter not a Lover (Vanoss Crew X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя