Chapter 19

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(Your POV)

Alright night is the night of the party. I thought.

I changed into a nice shirt, a hoodie that said Party Animal, and a pair of  skinny jeans. I grabbed my pocket knife and slid it into my pocket. I left my phone on my night stand cause I didn't need someone to steal it. I walked downstairs and saw my parents passed out on the couch while watching a romantic movie. I'm not a fan of romantic movies so I kinda gaged a little seeing two people kiss. I walk out the door and make my way to some dude's house for the party. After walking a few blocks I found the house. I went inside and could smell the alcohol already. I walk over to the bar and grab a drink. I drank the whatever was in my glass and continued to see people pass by me. I really just sat there until a person came up to me and got a little to close and personal.

Hey hot stuff wanna go to the bedroom with me~? He said.

No. I said.

Aww come on~. He said getting too close to my face.

I pulled out my pocket knife and held it close to his face. He backed away and then after a stare down he left.

Idiot. I said.

I got another drink and another after that. I was blacking out a little from the drinking.

(Luke's POV)

I was heading to the bar to grab a drink before I left with Bryce and Ryan. When I got to the bar I saw (Y/N) in the corner of my eye. She looked  a little drunk. I walked over to her and could already smell it.

Heeeey Lukie what's up? She said.

(Y/N) your drunk. I said.

No I'm *hiccup* not! She said.

Yes you are. I said

Yes I am. She said.

Come on I'm taking you home. I said.

Okay Lukie. She said.

I picked her up carried her bridal style. I walked out of the house with her.

Uhh Luke why is (Y/N) with you? Bryce asked.

I'm *hiccup* a wittle bit drunk. She said.

She's drunk. I said.

What! Bryce and Ryan said in unison.

Well let's walk her home I bet her parents are gonna kill us. Bryce said.

Well let's take our time. Ryan said.

Good idea. I said.

After a block or two of silence (Y/N) started to talk.

You know you guys are the best of friends I could ever have. She said.

Aww thanks (Y/N). Bryce said.

No I mean it. She said.

We know. Ryan said.

I think I'm in love with you guys. The first day I met Bryce. The way his beautiful eyes hit mine I could see I could have broken him in two but I didn't. I fell in love with him and after I met you guys I fell in love with you too. She said.

Her words made us blush cause she would never tell us that confidently.

Hey Bryce could you come here? She said.

Bryce came close to (Y/N) and she whispered something into his ear. But before he could go back to walking properly she pulled him into a kiss. Then she pulled me into a kiss and then after me was Ryan.

We blushed hard. Then as we continued she started to fall asleep.

(Y/N) are you ok? I asked.

Yes I am I just showing you idiots that I love you. She said.

When we got to her house we opened the door and her parents were passed out on the couch. I carried (Y/N) up to her room and Ryan and Bryce followed behind us. I opened (Y/N)'s door to her room and placed her down on her bed. She got up and made her way over to us and gave us kisses goodbye.

I love you. She said.

I walked her back over to her bed.

Alright this is enough now go to sleep. I said.

Ok. She said.

Then she lay down and she fell asleep. I walked out of her room and Bryce and Ryan followed behind. We walked out of her house closing the doors behind us and making our way home.

*The Next Morning*

(Your POV)

I woke up with a massive headache.

Ugh what happened last night and how did I get home? I asked.

I slowly slid out of bed and walked over to my desk. I saw a piece of paper on the desk. I opened it and saw it was a note from Bryce.

Dear (Y/N),
If you don't remember last night well I'll tell you. Luke found you at a party last night. You were drunk so Luke, Ryan, and I brought you home. On our way to your house you told us that you loved us. And you kissed us too and after that we brought you inside and put you to bed.


At this point I was blushing.

Did I really show my feelings toward them? What do they think about me? I thought.

As I thought of every question my hangover got worse.

Ugh. I groaned.

I walked into my bathroom and opened the mirror cabinet. I pulled out a small bottle and took a pill out. I swallowed the pill while closing the bottle. I went back into my room and picked up my phone. I texted the guys in the group chat.

Did I really kiss you guys last night? - (You)

(Luke) - Yup but how did you find out?

Bryce left a note on my desk. - (You)

(Ryan) - Just to let you know we still want to be friends with you.

That's good to hear well I should get ready for the morning. - (You)

(Bryce) - Talk to you later.
(Luke) - See ya.
(Ryan) - Bye.

I let out a sigh and walk over to my closet.

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