Chapter 29

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(Evan's POV)

I ran out the school after punching Jon. My cheeks were stained with tears. My breathing heavy because of me running. I was surprised that Jon didn't follow after me. I ran down the street and towards the forest. I ran deep into the forest and after a little while I stopped. I sat down on a rock and cried my eyes out.

Why is this happening to me? I asked between breaths.

Of all the people in my family I was chosen to have my father's temper. It's so hard to control it and with my other emotions mixing with it can create chaos. I don't know how or when I'll be able to get rid of it. But who would help me get rid of this my friends all hate me now.

Excuse me but why are you here? A man asked.

I look at him and he looks familiar.

Umm I just umm. I said.

Calm you don't need to work yourself up I won't hurt you. The man said.

I took a deep breath and relaxed. I wipe a the tears off my face.

Alright now tell me why are you out here all alone and crying.

I was in school and I started a fight I guess you could say between my friends. I knocked them out cold then my friend he came in a tried to calm me down. I couldn't help but feel angry thought out my whole body and so I throw a few punches at him but they missed. He kept telling me things that were true about me but I didn't believe him during the fight. And when I finally punched him I felt guilt invade my body. Then I ran out of the school to here. I said.

Hmm that's something do you know what caused this? The man said.

Well it my father's temper it was passed down to me and I can't control it. When it mixed with my emotions it makes matters worse. I try to control it but nothing seems to work. I said.

You need more people to help you with this. People that care about you and know you. The man said.

But all my friends probably hate me now for what I did. I hurt my friend and her friend. I said.

Maybe but something tells me your going to be forgiven for what you did. The man said.

Thanks for listening to me. I said.

Alright well I should get going until we meet again kid. The man said then he walked away deeper into the forest.

I get up from my spot and walk towards my house.

*Back to Normal*

(Your POV)

I closed the door behind me and walked upstairs to my room. I opened the door and walked in. I walk over to my bed and flop on top of it. My phone vibrates a little and I see I have a message from a group chat called Fighter's Friends. I smile and open the message.

(Chilled) - Hey everyone!

Sup - (You) 

(Nanners) - OMG (Y/N) I heard what happened to you today are you ok!

(Chilled) - Wait what to you (Y/N)?

(Jon) - She got hurt at school by Evan.

Then the chat loaded up with a lot of what-the-fuck messages. Everyone in the chat including me talked for hours and hours. After everyone left I put my phone on the charger and lay on my back looking at the ceiling.

How can I help Evan? I thought.

I start to think of times Evan has acted weird or different. 

Wait that night! I thought.

I think I get it now if someone can use words to snap Evan back to himself then maybe I can use my words to help him. I thought.

But how I'm I going to do that now that my voice is gone? I thought.

*A Week Later*

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I slowly open my eyes. I slam my fist down on my alarm clock and hit the snooze button. I try to go back to sleep but a few minutes later my alarm goes off again.

Ugh. I groan.

I turn my alarm off and get out of bed. I walk over to my closet and grab a (Favorite Band) t-shirt, a pair of comfortable pants, a (Least Favorite Color) hoodie, and my heist boots. I walk into my bathroom and do my usual and change my clothes. I walk out of the bathroom and grab my stuff. I tie my mask around my wrist and I walk downstairs. 

Good morning Sweetie. My mom said.

Morning. I said.

My mom gives me a plate of toast and I eat it. When I was done I left to school. I open the front door and walk out it. I walk down the street and start to hear yelling. I look around the corner and see a group of guys confronting someone. 

I wonder who they are? I thought. 

The forest was right next to me so why not find out. I quickly dash into the forest and near a tree near the group of boys.

You look like you got weaker. One guy wearing a red t-shirt said.

Hmm no surprise we haven't faced each other in a while. A guy wearing all black said.

Alright Vanoss where are your guys? A guy wearing a blue shirt said.

Evan? I thought.

I won't tell you and never will. Evan said.

You make this so difficult. The guy in a red shirt said.

They're gonna fight but not without me. I know I'm a bit rusty but I won't let Evan fight alone. Even thought he's put me thought a lot of shit he's a good person I know it. I quickly untie my mask off my wrist and tie it around my head to cover my eyes. I pull my pocket knife out and get ready to help Evan. But I took to long and they were already fighting. The guy in all black pulled out a gun and aimed at Evan. 

No. I thought.

I flipped my knife out and ran up to him. I stabbed him in the shoulder and scream and pain. I pulled my knife out and smirked knowing I won. He fell to the ground but then.


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