Chapter 2 (New Friends)

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"You and Jack seem to be getting along well." Jonah comes up to me. I just nod. Jack will be a good friend to have for a while. I'm really nervous to tell Jonah, or anybody. That I like Jack. It will be too awkward for me. And it could ruin everything of them. I don't want to get in the way of their careers. "Zoey, are you ok?" Zach asks me. "Yeah, why?" I said. Me and Zach haven't talked until now. The way I see him, he's just a jerk. "You look confused and worried.". "It's because I am, I'll get over it though.". "Okay, if you wanna talk about it later though you can.". Zach cared more than I thought he would.

     "Hey Zoey, you wanna play a game?" Jack walks over and says. And this is when it gets complicated to me. "Depends what game." I said. "Just play. Come in my room.". I followed Jack then he handed me a controller. "Okay, so what game do you wanna play?" Jack asked me. "I don't know, does it need to be a game. I wanna just talk.". "Okay, sure.". Me and Jack started staring at each other. I was looking at his curly hair. "I actually have curly hair too." I said. "Do you really?". "Yeah, if my hair gets wet. It will become curly again. I just straightened my hair for today.". I said. I gave Jack my number, than we talked for a couple more minutes. Not about anything too interesting though.

A couple hours went by and I just got home. Today was the best day ever. I remember everything. Me flying to LA for summer vacation, meeting Jonah and his band mates, i became friends with Jack and became super close, then to end it me and the band members went to get dinner than they dropped me off. It was an amazing day that I hope to remember forever. Just then a message appeared upon my phone screen.

     "Jack Averyy😍💙 would like to FaceTime". I got so happy and probably the biggest grin grew on my face. I slid the phone then appeared Daniel's face. "Hey Zoey, Jack will be here soon. He just had to go to the bathroom." Daniel spoke. "Okay, I already miss you guys so much." "We miss you so much, we can't wait to see you tomorrow!". "Where are the rest of the boys?" "Corbyn went to sleep, I think Zach is just laying down, Jonah is in his room, and Jack is in the bathroom but who even knows what he's doing in there.". Just then Jack appears out of the bathroom. "Hey Zoey! We miss you so much!!!" Jack said. It was hard for me to tell if he was sad or happy. "I miss you guys a lot too." Daniel started walking back to his room slowly after we started talking. "Just wondering, but how did you and Jonah meet on the internet?" "When he was an singer himself I was a fan, I was active with him on social media and I had a fanpage for him and stuff like that. Then he just kept messaging me often and now we talk all the time." "Oh nice." "I'm kinda tired." "It's only 11:09 at night." "I go to bed kinda early and I'm not used to the three hours earlier timezone." "Oh yeah. It's just that I feel like I known you for years. Haha." than me and Jack kept talking for an hour. We made our 11:11's each other. We both went to bed a couple minutes after midnight.

    Is it weird for me to be falling for my best friend's band mate? Because I don't know what to think of this or hat will come out of it. I'm with the rest of his fans. But I seriously feel like me and Jack have a weird connection with each other. I'm forgetting about my friends. I'm too focused on Jack. But Daniel is actually another one of my favorites in the band. We all know that Jonah is my favorite in the band. Corbyn seems super nice as well. However, Zach was chasing me around the room until Jack told him to stop. So yeah, my day was pretty interesting. Too bad it's in the past now. I couldn't sleep so I texted Jack to see if he was still awake.

Zoey- Hey Jack, you still awake?

Jack Averyy😍💙- Yeah, what's up?

Zoey- I can't sleep.

Jack Averyy😍💙- I forgot to ask you a question while we were on FaceTime. May I ask it?

Zoey- Go right ahead.

Jack Averyy😍💙- You wanna walk around LA tomorrow morning? I can pick you up from your place in the morning.

Zoey- Just us?

Jack Averyy😍💙- Yeah, unless you want them to come. I just wanted to get to know you more.

Zoey- Okay, of course we can hangout tomorrow then.

Jack Averyy😍💙- Okay I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight.

Zoey- Goodnight.

             Than after, I fell asleep.

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