Chapter 14 (Best Friend)

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Me and Jack were taking a nap in Daniel's room. Which was also Jack's room but he would always allow me to go in it for us to take naps together. Than a special friend woke us up.

"Wake up pancake." I recognized the voice and my nickname. "Jonah?" "Yep, now get up.". Jonah always gave me the nickname "pancake" because when we first FaceTimed each other he told me I looked like a pancake as of a happy way. "How come?" "We need to discuss a couple things with our manager." Jack still wasn't awake. I opened my eyes. Daniel was the first thing I saw. "Well hello there." he said with a smile. "Hey." I got up even though I was still very tired. The boys wanted to see me wake Jake up so I did. And I have many theories to wake him up, but I used my original theory. Which was just me using my fingers as a spider on his face to wake him up. "Zoey, why?" he said. He looked at me, than the rest of the boys. They must really like to wake us up I believe. Me and Jack got up than went to go see the manager. I just that awkward person waiting for them to be done.

"Zoey, you can come in. Our manager won't bite you." Corbyn said. Jack came out with him than Jack took my hand. We walked in as they were discussing things. I was still super tired though and didn't see why I was down with them. "Jack, I'm tired." I said to him in front of everyone. I was just speaking the truth. "You'll be able to sleep in 2 minutes." Jonah said. There was nothing important the manager was saying and then I got too tired and right when I was about to go upstairs Jack took my arm. "We'll go back to sleep in a minute. We need you to listen to this part." the manager was talking to me and telling me how I was really helping the boys. I felt like the manager was saying that as of a way I'm being used so I got a little upset. But I tried keeping it inside. I told how proud I was to be with them and help them. Then finally the meeting was over. Me and Jack went back into the room.

"See? That wasn't so bad." Jack said. I wanted to tell Jack how I felt, I can't hide my feelings from him now. He's my boyfriend, and he will care about my feelings. "Jack, I need to tell you something.". After me explaining how I felt like I was used just to help the boys with publicity, I felt like my life was a mess. It went from perfect, to confusing. Jack looked like he felt bad. And that's when I had the feeling he was only dating me for publicity. I ran out of the bedroom and went to Corbyn. Then tears started coming down. I couldn't find anyone so I just sat in the chair. I was a mess. I wanted to leave, but I couldn't just because I still cared for them. Jonah came out of his room and saw me. "Zoey, what's the matter?" I ran into his arms. I seriously needed someone. Jack knew I was depressed, but I don't know why he didn't want to run back to me. I explained to Jonah everything. If anyone can understand me the most, it's him. "I promise you that Jack would never ever do that to a girl. He loves you.". I don't even know how Jack didn't hear me because there he was laying in bed with the door wide open with me and Jonah talking right outside of it. "How could anyone?" I felt so stupid. "That's for you to ask him. I'll go have a talk with someone, while you go talk to him." I already knew Jonah meant the manager. I went back into Jack's room. Then we talked everything out. "I'm sorry that I ran away from you." I said. "I know how you feel Zoey. But if anyone's the publicity, I am." that's something Jack said. Then to end it all we napped for the rest of the day. Well, until we had to eat...

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