Chapter 10 (Girlfriends)

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"So, did you ever date that guy?" Daniel asked. "No she didn't." Jonah answered for me. "How come?" "He was a total jerk to me after 7th grade, I didn't get over him until high school started.". Jack looked upset. "Any other stories y'all wanna know?" I asked them. "How did you and Jonah find each other on the internet?" Corbyn asked. "Interesting story, back when I was getting bullied his music would calm me. And I used to have a fanpage for him and stuff back then which I'm logged out of right now. But Jonah followed me on it and I was active on it and then he finally direct messaged me back. I wasn't going to public school anymore. I was home schooled. Than we started texting each other and now we're friends." It was a long story for me to tell but I love telling it. "What a fascinating story." Jonah says.

8:30 PM, "Who wants to watch a movie?" I asked. "None of us, we just want to lay down and talk." said Zach. They all agreed. So I got up from the chair and Zach and I switched places. He told me he wanted to sleep on the chair that night. "What do you wanna talk about?" I asked them. "Do you have any watermelon?" Daniel asked me. "No, sorry. My family doesn't usually eat it." I said. "Are you both seriously a couple?" Jonah asked me and Jack. "What does it look like?" he asks Jonah. I laughed hard. "Aww what a cute couple." Jonah said. Me and Jack were having a staring contest and I lost apparently, but those brown eyes of his are beautiful. It was a half hour later. We were all wide awake though, even Corbyn and Zach were. "What the heck are we all doing?" Zach asked. Nobody answered him luckily.

         10:00 PM, everybody got lazy so apparently we went to the grocery store to buy watermelon. Just for Daniel. But we didn't only get things for him, we all had 2 people go with each other. I went with Zach, Jack went with Daniel, and Corbyn went with Jonah. While me and Zach were looking for food to get I was looking at the olives for like a minute straight. "Zoey, what are you thinking about?" Zach asked. I snapped out of day dreaming. "I don't know why, but whenever I was stressed with life in middle school I would eat green olives." Zach looked at me like I had a mental problem, but whatever. Me and Zach kept looking around for things my family or we needed. We already knew Daniel bought one large watermelon. We were all split up in certain places. Corbyn and Jonah were where the frozen food were. Daniel and Jack were where the fruit and vegetables were. Then there's me and Zach, looking at almost everything. Me and Zach heard the speaker go on "Store will be closing in 15 minutes" Zach yanked my arm to the last aisle of the store. After looking there we double checked everything we needed. We all met at the checkout, and then I paid for everything. Daniel got two watermelons and I didn't have enough money so Zach helped me pay for the things. "Zoey, I got you one of the coffees you liked." Jonah said. "Oh thanks." I said to Jonah. We made Daniel carry the watermelons back into my house when we got back. We filled the kitchen with the food we got than we went back upstairs to my room. "I gotta admit, that was so much fun." Zach said. "Oh ok, I don't get how." "I'm glad you chose me to pick out the food with you.".

     11:00 PM, Corbyn was still wide awake. What a surprise. "Corbyn, how are you still awake?" I asked. "I'm too excited to sleep, my girlfriend is coming to visit Los Angeles tomorrow!!" Corbyn said. My mind burst because I was so excited to meet her. "I really wanna meet her!!" I said. "You can, she'll meet us here. If that's okay with you." I told Corbyn was okay. Than I started to get tired. "Baby girl." Jack called me. I seriously love it when he calls me that though. "Woah, what has happened in the past 2 days?" Zach asked. "It's love. Go find your special someone to do this with." I said to Zach as a joke. Jack was laughing and so was Zach himself.

       11:30 PM- It was almost midnight and Corbyn finally fell asleep. Daniel was on his phone recording on snapchat. Jonah was trying to go to sleep. And Zach was sitting on the chair so perfectly. Then me and Jack are cuddling in my bedroom. Jack was still awake and I was about to fall asleep. "Jack wouldn't want you to fall asleep Zoey." Daniel said. Jonah turned around "What the heck Daniel? Some of us actually want to fall asleep." then Jonah tried to go to sleep again. Me and Jack kept our giggles on the inside. Zach was looking at the both of us, "Stay up till midnight with me and Daniel." Zach said. "No, go to bed and be happy." Jonah said. I felt so bad for Jonah.

        12:00 AM, "I'm going to sleep, i love you babe." I whispered to Jack. "Like we aren't aware." Zach whispered. "Zach, your just jealous because you can't find a girlfriend. Go to bed, maybe you'll find her in your dreams." Jack said. Me and Daniel were actually laughing. Corbyn and Jonah were sleeping. Jack had his arm wrapped around me. And he was holding me really close to him.

      12:15 AM, Corbyn, Jonah, Daniel, and me myself are sleeping. I fell asleep at 12:06 AM, Daniel fell asleep before me. Truth is that all the boys look cute when they're sleeping. When I fell asleep Jack gave me a hug. Zach was attempting to fall asleep. Who even knows what they're doing now?

         3:27 AM, I wasn't even trying to wake up but however I woke up for about 5 minutes. Everybody was sleeping. Jack looked really cute when he was sleeping. With his arm wrapped around me. And then I saw he placed my arm around him. I was so curious to see Zach sleeping, so I turned towards him. He was the only one that looked awkward. But he sure cares a lot about me. I then went back to sleep and turned towards Jack. He smiled. Was he still awake? "Jack?" I whispered to him. He ran his hand through my bun "Yes ma'am?" he asked. "I love you." "I love you more." we held each other tighter than fell back asleep.

           9:00 AM, I was awake getting ready to eat breakfast. I wanted to straighten my hair today so I went into my bathroom and straightened my hair. I put on my white adidas shirt and ripped jeans. It looked like Jonah got my family 3 packages of breakfast sandwiches to last me through the week. Thanks to him. I had my socks on the whole way around. I was making everyone a breakfast sandwich. Nobody was awake yet except for me. Than I hear feet on the way downstairs, I look up then I see Daniel. "Good morning Daniel!" I shout to him. "Good morning, what are you up to?" I showed him what I was doing. There was only 2 made. One for me, and another one of the boys but who ever knows who it is. Daniel told me we would all like them, and I didn't want to feel bad. Daniel sliced the watermelon than started to eat it. I went upstairs to go see who else was awake. Jonah and Corbyn had just woke up. "Go downstairs, I'm making the breakfast sandwiches you guys bought." I said to them. They went downstairs "Good morning." I said to them as they were walking. I felt really bad and felt like I was being rude.

9:30 AM- All the breakfast sandwiches were done and everyone finally woke up. Me and Jack sat with each other and Jonah gave me the coffee he bought for me.

11:00 AM- Right when I was about to answer the door, Corbyn ran as fast as he could instead to open it for me. And it's who we all thought it was. It was Christina. Corbyn's girlfriend. They were giving each other a hug and I was that random person standing there awkwardly in the background. Jack walked me down to the door with me and him saying hi. Christina was super friendly to me. And then on that same day, me and Jack were officially a couple to the world. Nobody hated though, everyone has an opinion. I just couldn't believe how soon it was...

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