Chapter 18 (Summer)

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It was finally June. Which means soon it's going to be summer. Me and Jack have been planning many things. The other day it was Zach's bday. Which we all celebrated. The next birthday coming up is Jonah's. I was so excited. And next month is Jack's birthday. My two favorites. No offense to the others, I just like Jack and Jonah the most. And Aspen of course. Aspen's birthday was in July as well. It was almost 2 weeks after Jack's birthday. Oh and another thing. I was on and off living in the Why Don't We house since me and Jack weren't talking as much as we did before. My parents still wanted me to live with them in case I need to take care of my brother. And another thing was I would need to take all the decorations down then put them back up. But last night I slept at the Why Don't We house.

"Good Morning Zoey." Jonah says as I get up. He looked like he was waiting outside for about a minute for me to wake up. "Good morning." I say. I was going to get my morning coffee I always have, until I seen none. "Jonah, where's my coffee?" I was so confused if somebody had it, or they just hid it. "You took it to your room, right?" I felt stupid and forgot that I put all my coffee in my room. "Oh yeah, sorry for my stupidity." I said. I went back to my room than drank my coffee. Than I got dressed into my blue shorts and orange shirt (sorry i'm not good at describing clothes lol). I wet my hair so it would be more curly. Then I went out of the room and Jack was at the door when I was about to put my socks on. "Come in." I said. Jack opened the door.

"You ready to have an awesome summer?" Jack said. "Definitely more than ready. I'm prepared." I told him. "Great!" He said.

A couple minutes later he took me to a very random place. It was a store, but we weren't in the LA area we lived in. "Umm, where are we?" I asked Jack. Yep, it was only me and Jack. Sometimes he'll do the most random things you can think of. I didn't even get to say hi to Aspen this morning. In fact nobody knew we took off. Actually I yelled at Daniel because Jack wanted me to run to the car. I thought we would be going somewhere better.

        Then we came back to the place around at least 1:00 PM. "Where were you guys?" Zach asked. "I honestly still don't know where he took me." I told the boys. Then I went to go find Aspen. She was chilling at the pool, it seemed interesting. "Hey Zoey, let's go in the pool together! Go get changed." and as she said I got changed into my bathing suit then went back outside to meet her.

         She was sitting near the pool. "Hey, you wanna jump in together?" she asked. "Duh." then we jumped in together. My hair gets more curly as I go into the pool so I was excited. "I love your bathing suit by the way." she said. "Aww thanks." we both were swimming around the pool and we went underwater as well. After we were done swimming, we decided to tan off.

      "So, you liking Los Angeles?" she asked. "Of course, and the people here seem nice." I say to her. After that we just kept talking and talking. She was my new best friend. Jonah will always be my best friend too though.

Me and Aspen got out of the pool at 2:30 and changed back into our clothes. It was time for me and Corbyn to shoot a tea time video. So I went to go meet up with Jonah.

     Me and Corbyn rehearsed then shot the video. And I figured since I wasn't talking to Corbyn as much as I would before so me and him were talking for a while.

      5:00 PM, "Zoey, I haven't seen you for like the whole day what have you been doing?" Zach said. "A lot of things and I'm so tired and I need to nap." I said to him. "You need to sit down somewhere." He said. "Yes, I do." "Zoey.." Jack comes up to me and Zach. "Come with me." I went up to Jack. I was so tired I would pass out any moment. "What are we gonna do?" I asked. "We're taking a nap together. I'm really tired too." Jack said. Than we went to sleep.

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