Chapter 31 (Travel)

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After me spending about two weeks with Jack's family, it was time to go back to Why Don't We home. I packed my suitcase, got dressed, then I was ready to go. "You ready to go?" Jack said and smiled at me. "Of course!". Me and Jack entered the plane, then we entered into the plane that was going into Los Angeles. I knew it was going to be a while, but at least I had my boyfriend by my side. It was definitely going to feel different for me, after not seeing Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, and Zach for a while.

Me and Jack were the first ones to get back to the house. "Did you have fun Zoey?" Jack asked me. "Yes I did, I was so happy to meet your family." Meeting Jack's family was probably one of the happiest things ever. I can't wait to meet the other boys families! But then I heard someone come open the door.. It was Zach! "Wow Zoey, it's been so long." I gave him a hug. "It definitely has been." I said back to him. Then Jonah walked in the door, "Zoey it's been so long." he smiled as he saw me, that's when I ran to him to give him a hug. "You both know that there was a time when you both never met each other right?" Zach says. "Zach stop acting dumb." Jack said. Out of me missing everyone, I definitely missed Jonah the most. I missed everyone else a lot too, but the ones I missed the most were the people I knew since the beginning. Which was Corbyn, Daniel, and Jonah of course.

Corbyn came in, "Good to be home." he said. Then he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back at him. Daniel came in, "Hey Zoey, I missed you so much." he said. "I missed you too, hopefully one time I can stay with everyone. After everyone was home. It was time for us all to get busy. I went to my bedroom to write in my journal.

          For the past week I was spending my time back in the Eastern Timezone. Except instead of Michigan, I was going to Pennsylvania where Jack grew up. I met his sisters, Sydnie, Ava, and Isla. They were all so amazing to be with.

        I stopped writing for a few seconds, I was shook. I got a weird message that appeared on my phone. "I'm coming to Los Angeles for the last week of August, maybe we can hangout then.." it was from one of my old friends. I wasn't going to reply to her because I had other stuff to work on. That's when I decided I should go home and spend time with my family.

         Instead of me actually getting a ride home from one of the boys, my parents came to their house to come get me. Corbyn walked outside the house with Jonah, "Hello Mrs. Walsh!". My mom was always the parent that loves to talk, my dad would always want to wait in the car and wave hi from there. "Hi boys!" my mom said.

       I'm not entirely sure what made me want to go home, it probably was me getting the thought of missing my little brother. I'm always out I never get to see him nowadays. But I'm glad that things are back the way they used to be. I had my forever favorite bedroom theme. It was only sad, because of the sleepovers me and the boys would have here.

     Later that night, as I'm watching an old TV show. My phone beeps out of nowhere. I made sounds for certain people on my phone. For classmates, or at least friends from school were glass. Parents are note. Best friends are circles. Than I gave the boys input. The beeping noise that came out was input. When I pressed the home button. On my screen there was a tab that said messages. Below it said "Corbyn💯 Besson‼️". Getting a text from Corbyn was unusual, just because me and him only texted once and I text the others at least every week. That one time we texted was when he was coming over.

Corbyn: Zoey, we have a huge surprise for you!! Can you meet us here in an hour and a half?
Zoey: Where is here? Why couldn't you just let me stay with you?
Corbyn: You went home, anyways we'll meet you at your place instead.
Zoey: Okay.

I was pumped to hear about this huge surprise, I mean it could be anything...

A/N: I've been very busy lately, so I'm ending this story soon. I started writing this story over the summer and I've been having a hard time in school with grades and going to a new school. So if I don't upload my chapters for this book as much as I did when it was summer, it's because of school and other personal things going on in my life. I hope everyone understands. I just finished my spring break so when it's summer again, I can finish the story or write a new one. Thank you to anyone who read this. I hope you all have a good day/night :)

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