Chapter 7 (First Date)

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I pulled out my black crop top and my skirt with flowers on it. Jack told me he liked those on me. So I made them into an outfit. I put on a tiny bit of perfume. And applied some mascara along with eyeliner. That's my basic makeup. I put on eyeshadow too but I only like the nude pallets. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Jack, I'm ready. Can I come out?" I say to him. "One second, I'm still changing." Jack said. Jack opened the door when he was done changing. He looked at me up and down. "Zoey, you look gorgeous." Jack smiled. I gave him a big hug "Aww thank you!!" I said. "You look really handsome yourself too." "Thanks Zoey." "Your welcome, what shoes should I wear?" "I got it!" Jack gave me these new black flats that had gems at the end. They looked so gorgeous, I can't believe he did this. "I got these for you yesterday. I hope you like them." "Jack, I love them!!" "Aww I'm happy you love them."

Me and Jack walked out of the room and were getting ready. We had 5 minutes until it was 6:00. So me and Jack went to go see the other boys. They all had an interesting reaction to how I looked. "Zoey, I known you before all of them have and I haven't seen you look better than you do now." Jonah said to me. "Aww thank you!!" I said. I love these boys so much. I'm glad I finally found people who could finally respect me for my looks and what I like. I checked my phone and it was 6:00, so me and Jack were getting ready to leave. I gave Jonah the longest hug ever. "I love you." "I love you too, have fun." Jonah is one of the sweetest boys ever. "Yo Jack, take good care of Zoey." Jonah shouted to Jack. "I will, I promise.". Than me and Jack were off. I had no clue where we were going but I hoped wherever it was. It would be amazing.

Me and Jack were walking around Los Angeles at night. It was so beautiful. We've been walking for an hour and I told him I was getting tired so we went to go get something to eat. I felt special that night. Like I was important. Jack and I were holding hands the whole time.

After we finished eating dinner, we were on the way back to the room. Than this random guy pushed me up against the wall. "Don't say a word." he said. "JACK!" I yelled but he couldn't hear me that well. The guy put his hand over my mouth. After a minute of Jack walking he finally noticed I wasn't walking with him. So he started running back. "You and me have plans to make." the guy said then he removed his hand for a second. "JACK PLEASE HELP ME!!!" I yelled. The guy was about to kiss me, but luckily right when his lips were about to touch mine. Jack came and pushed him off of me. "Come on, let's go." Jack said to me than we ran.

When we got to the house me and Jack were sitting outside. "Jack, I'm so sorry about what ha---" I said than he interrupted me. "Zoey, I'll never be mad at you. It wasn't your fault. In fact, tonight was amazing." Jack said as he interrupted me. I gave him a hug. "Can I ask you a question?" he asked me. "Of course, what is it?" I asked. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Jack asked me. This was amazing. "Of course!!" than me and Jack kissed. Daniel came outside. "Umm, should I come back another time?" he asked us. I shaked my head no. Than I went inside the house.

Jonah was staring right at me for a minute straight so I got really confused. Then I looked back at Jack. He was looking at me. "What?" I asked. "I'm just so proud of you and Jack." Jonah came over and gave me a hug. I was crying in his arms. "Aww Zoey, your so cute." Jack said to me. I went to the bathroom quickly to wash my makeup off. Than I jumped into Jack's arms and we hugged for so long. "I feel so lonely." Jonah said. "Thanks for letting me come here. And if I never met Jack or the rest of the boys I would still be so upset." I said to Jonah. He kissed me on the cheek but in the friendly way. Jack just stood there with a blank face. Zach came out of the room, "I looked out the window. How's Zoey Avery working out?" Zach said. I just went back to see Corbyn. And filled him in with me and Jack. Jack was my first kiss, but not my first boyfriend. But that doesn't matter now. Corbyn was telling me how he thinks his girlfriend, Christina would make good friends with me.

       After talking to Corbyn for a half hour he went to sleep. Jonah was laying in the room and so was Zach. Zach fell asleep before Corbyn did because of how tired he was. I went to go check on Jack. He was laying in his room with Daniel. I was getting tired so I changed into my pajamas I wore earlier. I went into Jack's room with my hair in a bun. "Goodnight Jack, i love you." I said. "Goodnight, I love you too." he said back to me. Than I fell asleep on the sofa.

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