Chapter 15 (Shopping)

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           I had to move back in with my parents because everything wasn't working out. Although me and the boys still visited each other weekly. There was a lot more work that had to be done at my home, than at their place where they were making music. I would always take care of my little brother. But I had to move out since of the whole "publicity thing".

      There was a knock at the door the next thing I knew. It was Zach. "Good Afternoon." he walked in. Zach already knows there's nothing I need to hide. And instead of me seeing Jack, I would see Zach. Than we would go see around the house the progress I would make. It got upsetting to me to see Zach more than Jack. But it wasn't a huge deal to me. "I have a special guest with me." Zach began. Then there was another knock on the door. "Hey Pancake." Jonah said. Than Jonah said he had 3 more guests. Which were all the other boys. I gave them all a hug. Jack sat upstairs in my bedroom while I was getting my little brother. So I took the chair, just like how it was when I was telling stories.

      "We're sorry that we had to kick you out." Daniel said. You might think they're wrong but they're actually correct. Me and Jack were becoming too much of a distraction from his music. "It's okay.". We all just looked at each other and didn't know what to do.
"So......" Zach says. "How have you all been the past few days?" I ask. "Good, you?" Corbyn said. "Zach told me I've been making a good progress. I'm proud of what I have helped you guys with. Me and Zach switched places. Me and Jack were still dating, but he was trying really hard for his career to be okay.

"We're staying here for tonight." Jack said to me. I got so happy. "Good, I missed you all a lot. But what will we do with my brother?" "Your parents?" Zach said. We all visited each other every other week. Not to stay over but just to hangout. "What are we going to do?" I ask. "I'm not sure but we need to have fun tonight." Jack says. But by then we all just started to talk to each other about random things. The only person that knew almost everything about me in the room was Jonah. So me and Jack were learning more about each other. Then he finally told me that he was born in Burbank but moved to Pennsylvania before he turned 1. I felt amazed.

We got so bored, we decided to go to the grocery store again. Or at least we walked around it. I really wanted to get green olives, which everyone in the band found out with me eating them nonstop when I was stressed. Really we all bought one item we wanted. I got a can of green olives. And Daniel bought a watermelon of course. After we walked trying to find something unexpected to do.

        When we got so my house I said we could do whatever we wanted. My parents were one of those people who would let me go out late, and I'm not talking about 3-5 in the morning. My curfew is normally midnight. Jack did skateboarding, and Zach was trying to learn. I was thinking about how bad I wanted to go shopping. Then that's when I got the idea. "Hey guys, when do you need to go back to your house?" "Any point tomorrow. Why?" Jack answered. I was telling them how I wanted to go shopping to get more clothes.

So then the next day we planned to go shopping. All of us went, not just me and Jack. But however we split up just like we did in the grocery store. Me and Jack were together because he was the only one who knew which stores I liked. Zach went with Jonah than Daniel went with Corbyn. Jack took me to the stores we went to when we went shopping for the first time. Me and him barely go on dates anymore. But as long as I'm with him, I'm happy. I was able to buy a ton of more clothes. I was happy I was making everybody happy. And also that I was making people happy. I wasn't even getting bullied by anyone now. Of course I got hate which everyone will receive at one point in life. But people loved me.

"Hey, you having a fun time?" Jack asked me. "Why would it not be fun?" I said. He smiled. His smile lightens up my day. Almost like nothing can get worse when he smiles at me. I always wondered what I was like to him, but I never forgot about what Jonah said to me. "Jack?" "Yes?" I explained what me and Jonah were talking about the other day. "The same reason your fans love you. You're a gorgeous, talented, kind, and fun girl. And I couldn't ask for a girlfriend better than you." he really made my day. In fact, he cured my depression. I don't know what I would be doing if Jonah wouldn't let me meet him.

We all gathered each other. They had to go back home so then they brought me back to my house and they were off. The next time we would see each other would be the time me and Jack go on a date. Hopefully some weirdo doesn't try to kiss me this time.

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