Chapter Four

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Kristina POV

Ever had a dream where you just wanted to wrap yourself up in a blanket of flower or feathers? That what my dream was last night. Might have been because these sheets were extremely soft.

I woke up, knowing that wasn't even part of the plan for this morning. Reaching out and groaping for my phone until I found it. Bringing it close to my face I looked at what the time was, it was 11:45. I had enough time but still I rolled over and faced the ceiling.  Blinking and rubbing my eyes I swung my legs over the edge. 

Picking up my phone I dialed my moms phone. "Is everything alright?" Is the first thing that I knew she would say.

"Yes mom, everything is fine. I just wanted to say good morning." I say resting my elbows on my knees craving to get more sleep. Couldn't sleep at all last night. Without my brothers constant banter and walking around and my parents music playing in the living, dancing and laughing hysterically. I couldn't sleep without it.

"Oh that's nice sweetie. Good morning to you also. Are you ready?" She asked. I wanted to say not really but she would yell and make me feel bad for wasting gas coming up here and wasting my life dream. I really didn't ant to go through that.

"Yes, I'm ready. Just nervous."

"Just remember. We are there cheering you on , on the side." She said. I could hear er smiling through the phone.

"I know mom." I said rubbing my face.

"I love you baby and I am so proud of you." She said and we talked a few more minutes until we said our goodbyes.

Feeling much better about today I got up and walked into the bathroom and started the shower.

The water felt amazing.  I washed my hair then got out and dried my hair. Going into the room with a towel around my body I plugged in my flat irons and started straightening it and pulled it into a bun on the top of my head. Turning the TV on I  went to my suitcase to get my dance outfit out. The news was on and they were talking about a billionaire who just got richer.

"Well,  Karen,  Mr. Ken Truman,  had really done it again. He owns what? about half maybe all of New York? "

Karen laughed. "Yes yes, He owns a lot doesn't he.  He is the only 24 year old that I know that owns a multi billion dollar company and makes it look easy. " 

"I wonder when there will be a Mrs. Truman who will help him run his empire. His father has been pressuring him to find him a wife." 

"Well James if he doesn't find a wife soon I'm willing to be his." Karen said and they both laughed .

I muted it.  Rich people get on my nerves. They always make us middle class look weak and depressing. I yanked my clothes on grabbed my keys, phone and purse and left.

I had my dance bag over my shoulder. My ballet shoes was in there. I pulled on a pair of jogging pants over my leotard and tights and a jacket.  It was 1pm when I made it to my car.  I had two hours to sign in, stretch and go over my routine. Afraid of being late butterflies started forming in my stomach. I pulled across the street and parked.  I fed the meter and ran across the street. 

I jogged up the steps and walked in.  It was nice in here.  I saw three women and two men taking people's names. I walked up to one of the women that was free.

"Name?" She said looking at me.

"Kristina Mosby" I said looking around. 

"Here you go. " she said handing me a number and a tag with the number and my name on it. " You can go and wait in there to get yourself together." She said with a smile

"Thank you Very much" I said walking into the room. It was full of mirrors and ballet bars on the walls.  There were girls all on one side.  There was a couple of girls on the other side. I walked to the side with less girls and stood next to a tall dark haired girl.  Her hair went to her waist and it was bone straight. She had green eyes and light make up she looked like a model.  She pulled all of her hair up to the top of her head and tried to tie it in a bun.  She failed after two tries. 

"Here let me help. " I offered taking her hair in my hands and putting it in a bun.  Her hair was so long and straight and so soft. I wanted to keep running my fingers though it without being a creep.

"Thank you...Uh... " She said smiling at me.

" Kristina Mosby.  Your welcome." I said sticking my hand out.

" Isabella Truman but people call me Bella." She said taking my hand. Her hands were really soft.  First soft hair now soft hands. I want whatever she uses.

"Nice to meet you. "  I said. 

"Likewise. "

" So what part are you going for? " I asked taking my jogging pants off. 

"Odette" She said putting her leg up on the bar and bending over.  "You?"

"Odette or Odile and hopefully a spot in this place " I said stepping back and putting my leg up on the bar also. 

"Nice." She said beaming at me. 

We kept stretching together and even did a little practice together.  She was really good. After we finished stretching we sat down and we started talking about the dance and how much we well more like I wanted to get into this place.

"11267! Kristina Mosby! " I heard my number and name called. 

"Good luck " Bella said giving me a quick hug. 

"Thanks" I said walking out.

I walked into the room with the five judges.  I stood in the middle of the room and waited.  The music started and I gave it the best that I had. 

(Editing) The Ballerina and The BillionaireDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora