Chapter Thirty-Three

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Kristina POV

Two days Later (The Performance )

I stood backstage hoping from foot to foot. I was so nervous I couldn't stop moving. Bella stood next me holding my hand.  She looked composed. I knew I looked like a crazy person that just left the asylum.

The announcer was almost done. 

"And now lady's and gentlemen the performance that you have been waiting for all night!  Swan Lake! " The audience erupted in applause.  I froze. Bella squeezed my hand and stepped out with a couple of others. The music started and I peeked out waiting for my cue. I looked at the front row and Ken was sitting there. His mother was on one side with his father and a blond guy that I didn't recognize but I figured it was Daniel. My mother was on his other side with my dad and Craig. Lucas was next to Craig staring at Bella with admiring eyes.  When My time came I stepped out and dance my way across the stage. I looked at the front row and NY mom was crying. I almost shed a tear but quickly focused.

Fabio came out and we spun and twisted across the stage. Bella was leaping and folding in the background. I looked at the front row again and Ken was smiling up at me.  I smiled and kept moving. 

I felt free and graceful. I had accomplished my goal.



I watched as my sister came out looking beautiful and graceful. I watched her twirl to the soft music. Minutes later Kristina came out she looked stunning and graceful. I nudged Daniel in the side.

"That's the girl. " I whispered jutting my chin towards Kristina.

"Nice. " He whispered back.

Fabio came out and they danced together for a bit. The music was beautiful and everyone looked fantastic on stage.  When it finished they all came to the front of the stage and bowed. The audience erupted in applause. Everyone stood to their feet.  Fabio and Bella stepped forward with Kristina between them.  They had each of her hands and they bowed.

it took about an hour to get out of there.  We all stood outside to wait for Bella and Kristina. When they came out they had on jeans and button down shirts and heels. They looked like sisters. Kristina came to me and I kissed her.

"That was beautiful." I said. 

"Thank You" She kissed me on the cheek and hugged the dark haired guy that I didn't get a a chance to meet. He was tall and had a baby face. His hair was short and blonde. He had the same blue eyes and she did but he had more eyelashes.

"You did wonderful." He said.  His voice was low and deep.

"Thank you. " Kristina grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me and Daniel. "Ken. This is my brother Craig. Craig this is my boyfriend Ken." Craig extended his hand and I shook it. He looked me from head to toe then smiled

"Nice to meet you. "

"Likewise. Kristina I didn't get a chance to introduce you to my brother. Daniel this is Kristina my girlfriend. Kristina this is Daniel." Daniel grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Hello. " He said in his deep voice. Kristina blushed.

"Hi. " Daniel smiled, looked at me and winked. He looked up past Kristina and his face fell. I looked in the same direction and I froze.

There was a guy standing with my sister. They were kissing. He was holding my sister close. He pulled away and looked at her. She smiled up at him and he smiled back. When I got a look at his face I gasped.

"Lucas? "

He turned and looked at me. I got this stupid grin on my face. That was my best friend since high school.  Lucas was African. He moved here when he was nine. When I had met him he could barely speak English and when he did it was all backwards.

"Ken? " He said my name in his thick accent. He smiled and walked over to me. He pulled me into a big bear hug. "Ça va mon ami? Il y en est une longue temps que j'ai te vu." He spoke with fluent French and I understood every word that he said. 

"I know it's been a long time." I responded with a smile.

."You know him? " Daniel looked him from head to toe

"Yea. This is my best bud Lucas from High School. Lucas this my older brother Daniel.  " They shook hands.

"You dating my sister?" Daniel asked. Bella came over and wrapped her arms around his waist and he pulled her close.  We both stood with our mouths hanging wide open. Kristina was smiling from ear to ear along with my parents. 

"Yes " He said and she nodded her head.  I scratched my head and looked away.  It was cute.

"Oh. Okay.  Don't hurt my sister. " Daniel said giving my sister a kiss on my forehead then walking away to my mother and whispering in her ear.  She nodded and he left.

"Kristina honey. You did wonderful up there." My mother said walking over and kissing her cheek.

"Thank you. " My dad came over and hugged her. My parents left after that.

I looked back at Lucas and Bella and they were staring at each other. I made gagging noises and they looked at me.  Lucas laughed and Bella blushed and looked down. 

I clapped Lucas on the shoulder. "Take care of my sister. " I said walking over to Kristina and her family.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked. They nodded. I turned to Craig. "Are you staying in a hotel? "

He nodded his head.  I shook mine."You can stay in my house. I have more room than I can bare" I said chuckling.  His parents and Kristina laughed also. 

"Uh. Okay. I guess. " I smiled and the limo pulled up.  We all pilled in and drove to the house.

Kristina had her head on my shoulder. I laid my head on top of hers and closed my eyes. 

I liked this feeling that I had. 


(Editing) The Ballerina and The BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now