Chapter thirty-seven

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When we finally got out of the shower , we were starving.

We put some clothes on and walked down the stairs hand in hand. Kristina still had the ring on and she kept messing with it. She had taken a picture of it and pit it on instagram. Then we had both took a picture together and she put it up also. I had warned her that that picture would be on the news in the next hour.

We reached the kitchen and everyone was there. My parents. Daniel and his wife Josie and my niece Caroline. Bella and Lucas, Craig and Kristina's parents. I looked at Kristina and she looked back at me we were both confused.

Carmella was at the stove cooking a late breakfast for everyone.

"So. what's up? " I broke the silence.

"We just came to visit. " My mom said giving me a hug and a kiss then doing the same to Kristina. "How are you dear?" My mother asked taking her hands in hers.

"I'm fine Mrs. -"

"Oh my goodness is that a ring! " My mother exclaimed with her hand over her mouth. Bella jumped up and grabbed Kristina's hand and squealed.

"Oh! Were going to be sisters! " She said wrapping Kristina into a bear hug. Everyone congratulated up and we started talking.

"Mr. Truman." Tony said clearing his throat.

"Yes " I said turning.

"You might want to see this sir., " He said walking away towards the living room. I got up and Kristina followed with everyone else behind her. We all settled into the living room and our picture from this morning was on the screen.

We were on the balcony. Kristina's hair was blowing around her face, she had a huge smile and her head was cocked to the side. I was behind her with my arms wrapped around her waist. Her hands was resting on mine,the ring was huge. I had my head in the crook of her neck staring at the camera with a smile on my face. we looked in love. Tina another one of my maids took the picture for us.

"Well Karen I guess our young billionaire bachelor has found him a woman. "

"Yes he did indeed Tom . She is a lovely young woman. Have you seen her dance? She is very graceful. He had found him a keeper "

They zoomed in on the picture right at her hand.

Tom whistled "Look at that beautiful ring. No wonder she's marrying him." Both of the reporters started laughing. I muted the TV and went back into the kitchen.

Carmella had set the table and it smelled and looked delicious.

"Thank you Carmella. "I said with a smile and she smiled back and continued to clean her mess up.

Everyone except Kristina, came in and we sat down.

"That was a beautiful picture. " Bella said. "Who took it?" she asked looking at me.

"Tina. " I said taking a bit if my omelette.

Kristina came in and sat down . She sniffed and her hand shot to her mouth. She jumped up and ran to the restroom. I sat my fork down and stared after her. Betty got up and went to the restroom. I got up and went to the bathroom also. I opened the door and Kristina was leaning over the toilet throwing up. Betty was behind her holding her hair and rubbing her back.

"Is she okay.?" I asked closing the door and leaning against it.

"Yea she is. Just morning sickness." I nodded my head. Then something clicked. morning sickness? My eyes widened.

morning sickness =pregnant

"She's pregnant" I said in half horror half joy. I pulled my phone out and texted Tony.

pregnancy tests asap.

I heard the front door close. The bathroom door closed, Betty had left.

Kristina was sitting on the floor wiping her face with a towel. I sat next to her and took her hand. She leaned on me and laid her head on my shoulder.

Ten minutes passed and there was a knock on the door.

"Come on in" I said and Tony walked in and handed me the paper bag. I nodded my head on thanks and he left. I pulled the tests out and handed her one. She took it and opened it with shaky hands. She peed on it and I handed her the other one. She peed on that one too. She set them on the counter and we waited.

She was shaking.

"Are you okay? " I asked taking her chin in my hand, lifting her face up so that she could look at me. She nodded her head and smiled. I kissed her and looked at my watch. It's been five minutes. I pulled a test down and she took the other. They were both facing the other way. We flipped them at the same time and they were both positive.

She gasped and smiled. Tears started running down her face.

"I'm ready now. " She whispered. I pulled her to me and kissed the top of her head.

"We're going to be parents." I said with a smile on my face.

She laughed and I joined in. This was exciting.

I looked at my watch again It was 1:32. I had to go to the office for some meetings.

"Baby I have to go to the office are you okay here with everyone. ?" I asked helping her stand up. She nodded.

"I don't want to tell anyone until we're sure okay? " She said I nodded my head in understanding. "I'll set up an appointment while your gone and start planning out wedding." She said smiling.

I kissed her and left the bathroom. I went to our room and put my suit on. I called for my car. I went back downstairs and Kristina was at the door. She gave me a hug and kissed me. I reached into my pocket and got my wallet then I handed her my black card. I kissed her again

"I love you. " I said and walked out. I got in the car and she was still standing there. I waved and she waved back with a smile. Then we drove off.

I sat back and smiled . I could get used to this.

(Editing) The Ballerina and The BillionaireWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt