Chapter Fifty-One

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Kristina POV

Wedding Day

I stood in the big floor to ceiling mirror with Gabriella by my side. I had a princess dress as she would put it.

It had long satin sleeves, a diamond studded corset that had the gown puff out a pool on the floor.  It looked like a Cinderella dress so u see why she called it a princess dress. I had on a diamond studded tiara. My hair was curled and flowed down my back. I had light makeup. I looked great. 

She had on a pink and white dress that went to the ground.  She had on flats because I still won't let her wear heels.

My mom came in.

"Grandma! " Gabriella shrieked running and jumping in my kind arms.  She picked he rip and kissed her all over her face. Gabriella giggled and wiggled in her arms. 

"Mom don't get her wrinkled. " I said. 

"Sorry sweetheart.  You look just amazing. " She said wiping tears that started falling.  She picked up my bouquet and handed to me. They were pink and yellow roses.  My favorite. My dad came in looking handsome as ever in his tux.

"It's show time. " I grabbed his arm and we walked out Fabio and Joey stood arm and arm.  Dalton was next to them. He grabbed Gabriellas arm and they stood in front of the door.  We all laughed at how cute they were.  Bella and Lucas came out. Bella was my matron of honor and Fabio was my brides maid.  Lucas and Joey were Ken's groomsman.

The music started Dalton and Gabriella marched out just how we practiced. She threw down petals. Bella and Lucas marched out next and tatted ways at the top of alter.  Joey and Fabio marched next and lattes ways.  Now it was my turn. I rounded the corner and spotted Ken.  He stood at the alter with his head down.  When the music changed he looked up.

His mouth hung open slightly and then he smiled. me and my father marched up the isle slowly. It seemed like we walked forever. 

We reached the end and he handed me off. 

I stared into Ken's eyes. I got a slight budge from Fabio.  I took the ring and slide it on his finger and recited the words. He did the same. 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may the kiss the bride. " The priest said and Ken pulled me close and kissed me. Everyone cheered. We walked out and I went to change into my reception dress.  We entered and everyone stood and clapped again.  We sat at the long table.  People stood up and told funny jokes about Ken that one never heard.  People told some very embarrassing things about me that had lost of the people in tears from laughing so hard. 

We danced and danced.  Gabriella and Dalton jumped up and down for fast songs and slow danced for the slow ones.  The whole time the argued about who held which way from looking at me and Ken. When they figured it out it was so cute.

With everything done and over with we went outside to have rice thrown on us as we went down the steps. We kissed Gabriella and told her we'd be back soon.  We were going on our honeymoon and she was staying with my mom at the house. 

We'd be gone for three weeks,  Jamaica then Barbados. We got in the car and waved at everyone. Then drove off.  I laid my head on Ken's shoulder as he drive and sighed. 

Now my life was full of rainbows and unicorns. I had a wonderful daughter. A billion dollar husband. What more could a girl ask for?

I had one feeling and one feeling only.


(Editing) The Ballerina and The BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now