Chapter Forty-Six

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Kristina POV

I laid under Ken.  We were naked and sweaty.  I ran my fingers through his hair and his breathing changed.  He was sleep.  I smiled. Tonight was perfect. He had repropose to me. He used my favorite flowers and food.  I was suspicious to why he was asking me. It had never occurred to me that I would be proposed to. I loved how this one went but the first one was equally special.

I looked at his back and long red lines ran across. I ran my fingers across them.  I had done that.  I blushed. He went slow with me this time.  I frowned. I liked it fast and rough but since I was pregnant I don't think he wanted to hurt me.  I still loved our love making. It was amazing.

I thought over the night.  He must have had help with setting this up. It was still very romantic.

I drifted to sleep. I loved him.  He was my billion dollar man.  I couldn't wait to become Mrs. Kristina Truman.


I woke to the smell of pancakes and bacon.  My mouth watered.  I was still laying in the bed with the covers pulled up to my chin.  I rolled over and the bed was empty. I sat up and got out.  I stretched and walked to the bathroom door. I jumped in the shower and washed my hair. The water felt wonderful running down my skin. Beating on my back and massaging my muscles.

I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I went to my dresser and pulled out my clothes. I pulled on a tank top and some shorts and went downstairs. I headed to the kitchen and Carmella was at the stove.

"Good morning Carmella." I greeted her cheerfully. I leaned against the island.  She turned and smiled. 

"Good morning Ms.Mosby." She said flipping done pancakes.

"Is Ken around? " I asked. She slide a mug across the island and wiped her hands on her apron. 

"I believe he went to his office. He had a phone conference and a Skype meeting, he should be down shortly for breakfast. " She said leaning against the counter. "How are you and the baby doing? " She asked.  I liked Carmella, she was loving and always easy to talk to.

I sipped the tea.  It was nice and hot.

"We are fine. I have an appointment tomorrow." I said blowing the steam from my mug.

She nodded  "Are you still dancing?"

"Yes. I'm taking it nice and slow to not hurt the baby , although I don't really dance I just help when people need it and observe for performances." I said.  I wasn't giving up dance. I was going to keep going until my doctor said to stop.  I figured it would be soon. 

"That's nice." She said and flipped the pancakes again.  My stomach growled. "You guys are hungry. " She said with smile.  I blushed and put my hand on my stomach. My little bump was growing more and more each day and I was so happy. Ken came into the kitchen. He looked bright and happy.  He smiled when he saw me and gave me a kiss. and rubbed my stomach. 

He went to Carmella's side.  "Good Morning Carmella." He said pulling her into a one arm hug and kissed her cheek. She smiled.

"Good Morning Kenneth." Ive never heard anyone say his whole first name.  I stood there shocked. 

"It smells delicious. "He said.

"Grab the plates from that cabinet there will you. I'm finished now. " She took the plates from Ken and slide two pancakes,three pieces of bacon,  hash browns, scrambled eggs for me and sunny side eggs for Ken.  I still had my tea and Ken grabbed a glass and filled it with orange juice and sat down on a stool. I sat next to him and Carmella put the plates in front of us. It looked so good I didn't want to eat it. 

"So when's the next appointment?" Ken said. I had ate some eggs. They were so good.

"Tomorrow. You coming?" I asked sipping my tea.

"What time? "

"10:45" I said.  I hope he could make it .  I was going to get an ultrasound to see the little peanut. I was excited.  He pulled his phone out and pulled up a calendar. He frowned and called Joanne. 

"Hey Joanne its me.  Could you clear the 10:45-1:00 meetings and reschedule or move to later times? " He paused. "Thank you very. much. " He said and hung up. "Im coming"

I smiled and continue to eat.  We talked about the company, baby names and dancing.

When we finished eat we went outside on the patio and relaxed.  We were still talking about nanny names. 

"What about a third? Kenneth Matthew Truman the third for a boy and Tiffany Marie Truman for a girl?  " He said. I scrunched my face up. I didn't mind the third but I didn't like Tiffany.

"How about Gabriella Marie Truman?"I said.  "Wait no!  How about Kaitlynn Gabrielle Truman or Danielle Renée Truman? " I said. I was looking at the trees.  They were big and beautiful. 

"I like them all actually. But if I had to chose it would be Gabriella Marie Truman. " He said with a smile.

"Okay so Kenneth the third for a boy and Gabrielle Marie for a girl. "

We stayed out there for while longer.  The sun felt good hitting my skin. We just relaxed and started planning our wedding.


The next day

I woke and it was 9:30. Ken was gone.  I smelled coffee and eggs.  I got up and went into the bathroom.  I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went down stairs and Carmella was sliding eggs on a plate. I sat down and she slid the plate to me with a smile. I dug in. 

When I finished I went up stairs and changed my clothes. It was 10:30 when I was done.  I walked down stairs and Tony was at the door.  He opened it and we went to the car.  He opened my door and we drove in silence to the doctors office. 

We got there and it was 10:46. He opened my door and walked up to the elevator. When I reached her floor and Ken was already there. He was talking to the receptionist and she was laughing. 

I walked up and wrote my name down. She took the clipboard and stood up. 

"This way Ms. Mosby.  " She said.  She stared longingly at Ken. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and her face fell but she walked down the hall.  I looked up and him and he winked. I smiled and kept walking. 

We went to room seventeen. She handed me the gown and walked out slamming the door a little too hard. I walked into the connecting bathroom and put the gown on. 

I came back out and Dr. Masterson was there talking to Ken. I sat on the table and she turned and smiled at me and started.

She pointed to the monitor at the little peanut shaped baby. It was actually pretty big. I was so happy holding his hand and staring lovingly at the monitor at our beautiful baby.


Two hours later of talking and planning , Ken and I sat at a little cute deli. We ate and talked about really hiring in particular. Paparazzi was outside the window taking pictures.  We posed for a few but just ignored them most of the time.

We left there and Tony dropped me off at the studio where everyone was waiting to see the pictures of my little peanut. This picture was shaped like a peanut so I'm sticking with Thaddeus until the baby is born.

Fabio was the godmother/father. He was happy and more excited than I was to have this baby out of me.

Everyone got into formation and I counted.  When I reached one everyone melted together. I sat back and did as little as possible.

(Editing) The Ballerina and The BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now