Chapter Forty-Seven

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Kristina POV 8 1/2 months later.

I was at the stoplight drumming my fingers across the steering wheel listening to Sail by Awolnation. This was one of my many favorite songs.

My stomach was huge. I could pop any moment. I was on my way to Baby Gap then Baby's RUs. My baby shower was three weeks ago. I was having a girl. Gabriella Marie Truman. Everyone came with gifts and toys. There was some things I didn't get that I was dying to have. I had to go to Mommy's Care. I had to get some more shirts. I wouldn't have them long but still I needed more.

I pulled into the parking lot of Baby Gap. I went in and found what I was looking for and came out. The sacker took my stuff out for me.  I waddled when I walked. I popped the trunk and he put everything in.  I gave him ten dollars for the help and he smiled and went back in.  I went to
Baby's RUs next. I didn't find what I wanted there and just went to get my shirts. 

I looked in the rearview mirror. There was a car that had been following me since I left Quick Trip.  The car was a little ways behind.  The sunvisor was down so I couldn't see the face really.  I pulled into McDonalds, the car followed. I got out of the car and went in.  I looked out the window and the person was still in the car, they were on the phone. I ordered and took my food to a table near the window. 

I sat and looked out. He was looking in the sideview mirrors. I finished and left.  I got my car and started it.  I pulled out and he followed. 

I started to panic. I pulled my phone out and had Ken's number typed in. Before I knew it my window was being smashed. The glass cut at my face. I cried out in pain and covered my stomach.  The man punched me in the face and I blacked out.


I woke up and it stunk in here. It smelled like mothballs, piss and shit. My head was pounding and my mouth was dry. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a room with no windows.  It looked like a storage container. the walls was concrete , the floor was packed dirt and I was in the middle of the room tied to a chair. The was blood staining my shirt.  I started to panic.  My stomach looked fine but I was out cold,  I would never know if my baby was okay, not now anyways. 

I pulled. The ties on my hands was so tight it bit into my skin.  Tears started rolling down my cheeks . I sat there for hours until I cried myself to sleep. 

I woke up coughing and gasping for air. Someone threw water on me. I opened my eyes and of all the people I would be racking my brain to figure out who did this to me Stephany of all people was standing in front of me with a bucket. 

She had a sick evil grin on her face. Her high blond hair pulled up to a high blond ponytail. She still had on too much make up but she had on black skinny jeans, a black tank top, in one hand the bucket and in the other a gun with a silencer on it. It was pointed right at my stomach. 

My eyes grew wide when u saw the gun.  I swallowed the large lump that was in my throat. Tears stung my eyes.  I didn't want to die nor did I want my baby to die.

"Well well well,  look who finally decided to join us. " She said walking around me still holding the gun.  She dumped the bucket. "You've been out for three days. Why wake up now? " Was she stupid?  she just threw water on my face.  who wouldn't wake up.  I just glared at her. 

"I wouldnt be looking at a person like that when they have a gun pointed at your child. " she said pulling the safety off.  I stiffened.

"you wouldn't." I said.  It barely came out as a whisper. Then it just clicked. She said three days? Hopefully he was looking for me.

"Oh I would." She said pulling the trigger.  I screamed but it only came out as click.

She started laughing.  "Listen here. I want you dead and that little bastard child. If your dead Ken would be grieving and come back to me.  Then I'll be rich and have his child. I will be famous and loved all over.  I will be Mrs. Truman" She said through gritted teeth. 

"Your pathetic. " I said. My voice dry and cracking. Ken doesn't her.  He hates her guts.

"I AM NOT! " she screamed and smacked me with the gun. I cried out and blood oozed from my right temple. I was getting fuzzy and lightheaded. She turned and walked to the door. 

"He hates you, you know.  He would never let you carry his child and he would never marry you.  You repulse him in so many ways its unreal. You will never be in the position that I am. Never  " I said.  I soon referred in because she came up and kicked me in the stomach. I flew back with the chair and landed on my back.

"I hope you die bitch and your fucking child. " Then she spit on me and walked out. The door closed with a loud bang and I heard keys in the lock.

That was the last thing I heard before I passed out. 

(Editing) The Ballerina and The BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now