16 Voltron Senerios Or Things Characters Would Say

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Credit to The People Who Wrote These👇


Space Battle (Klance...ish)
"Lance... if we don't make it out of here alive... I just want you to know that I love you." Keith let his feelings out at once and the pressure was lifted of his chest with a sigh as they sprinted down a corridor, right next to the control bridge.

"Keith... I... wait, is someone crying?" Lance asked, they walked into the control bridge and saw to Galra soldiers, watching over surveillance. One was on the verge of tears.

"Jared, holy shit, this is just like the movie we watched the other day!"

"Dude, we have to do out jobs! Don't-" Jared was a little late to comfort the other Galra soldier who'd started crying. "Okay, it is pretty sweet. I'm not gonna lie--" Zarkon appeared on a screen and Lance and Keith dodged out of Zarkon's sight.

"Guys can we please, FOCUS!?" Zarkon yelled.


Lance and Keith at the Beginning of Season 3 (Keith being a idiot)
Lance held up a piece of folded paper with the name, 'Keith', scrawled a crossed it. "There is only on thing worse than, Keith." He unfolded the paper and in the same writing under, Keith's name was he word 'leading'. "Boom!"

Everyone got it immediately... except our beloved, Keith. He simply nodded and said, "leading".

Everyone sighed and Lance even groaned, then yelled, "NO".


At The Garrison (Keith Being Stupid Again)
Keith, opened his locked and a little piece of paper. He picked it up and read it to himself.

'Dear Keith,
You probably don't notice me, but I hope you do, because I've got a huge crush on you!
-Signed by your secret admirer... LM'

Keith stared at the note for a minute and repeated the initials out loud. "LM..." He gasped and stared at the note with wide eyes. "Lightning McQueen."


Lance Teasing Keith (Stupid Questions Are Not Allowed)
"So is your name actually, Lance?" Keith asked, randomly one day.

"No. It's a nickname." Lance rolled his eyes.

"Oh? What's your full name-" Lance quickly cut him off, knowing just what to say.

"My name is actually, Lenjamin."


Baby Shiro
Lance and Keith were bickering again in front of the entire team, and Pidge was fed up with it. She decided to take matters into her own hands. She slapped her hands over Shiro's ears. "Guys, stop yelling! You're scaring the baby!

"I never should've told you guys my birthday." He sighed.


Stupid Arguments
"Rules were meant to be broken!" Lance proclaimed, randomly.

"They're meant to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken." Hunk countered with his kind spirit.

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