Pidge X Reader (Modern!AU)

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Coming back from space you'd think your family would be happy to see you-- no. Just... no. My parents were actually disappointed, not really sure what their deal was... but I guess it had something to do with me being gone for a while. Or maybe not?

It didn't really matter at that point. I was depressed, and I honestly needed a drink... and since I was a year too young for that I had to go to my cousin's house. Luckily he was home.

"Long time no see Cous," Lance grinned as the door swung open. He towered a good few inches over me. "What's brought you to my humilde hogar?"

"Booze. Can you hit me up with any?" I asked, hopeful.

"Sure thing... but aren't you still a little young?" He asked, letting me inside.

"Does it really matter at this point?" I walked straight into the kitchen, and pulled open the fridge. A six pack was sitting at the bottom, and I quickly grabbed one. I popped it open, and before I could drink a single drop it was ripped out of my hand by Lance.


"I'm not depressed, just so you know, but it's okay to drink your feelings every now and then." I took the beer back and took a swig.

"I wasn't going to stop you. I was going to say you need to say hi to my friend before you get drunk." His grin made me roll my eyes.

"Since when do you have friends?"

"Harsh... honestly... harsh." He dragged me into the living room, and stopped me from taking another drink. A short girl was lounged out on the couch, laying with a laptop in her lap.

"Sup." I nodded to her, and she took a minute to look up at me.

"Uh, hi." I walked towards her and sat in the seat next to her.

"You must be Lance's friend. Name's (Y/N). His cousin."

"Yeah, my name's Pidge." She pressed her lips together.

"Did you go to Voltron University too? You look familiar."

"Yeah, I did. Now that I think about it you look... really familiar too. Why is that?"

"I was in the Red dorm. Things got crazy one night down on campus where the entire dorm was drunk. I lead them into a charge against the Galra's mascot."

"Oh, you  were the one with the fish in your hair." Pidge nodded, looking unimpressed.

"Wow. You really know how to flatter a person." I groaned, taking another swig.

"What brings you here? Lance was literally just telling me you never visit."

"Well. Parents kicked me out. Came here for a drink."

"UNDERAGED!" Lance yelled as he sat down next to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Your parents kicked you out? That's... fun." She looked stressed.

"Yeah well." I shrugged and stood up. "I'm gonna go out. Wanna come? Either of you?"

"Sure. Pidge you wanna come?" Lance asked, standing up.


"Well it's not a question anymore." Lance slammed her laptop closed, and dragged her to her feet. "You're going to have dinner with my cousin."

I shrugged and slipped my shoes one, waiting by the door. Lance pushed Pidge and I out the front door, and stood in the doorway. "Okay, so here's the rules. Don't get drunk, have good conversation, don't be weird, and for the love of god don't end the night with-"

"Lance!" Pidge snapped, shaking her head.

"Wait. You're not coming too?" I asked. He laughed, and shook his head. "But-" he slammed the door shut and I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to go get dinner with me. I was just going to go to McDonald's anyways."

"No, I'll come with. You're buying though." Pidge added pointedly.  A laugh escaped me as we headed to my car.

Once we sat down with our food silence filled the air. "Totally not awkward." I laughed. Pidge nodded and took a bite of her food and I pressed my lips together. "So, what were you doing on your computer earlier?"

"Trying to hack into Russia's government data. I wanted to access their codewords... I also wanted to find out if they sold twinkies."

"Oh my god. You're kidding."

"Why would I be kidding?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.

"That's awesome." Her phone buzzed, and she picked it up.

"Ug. Idiot. Well, I have to go and pick up my brother. He got himself stuck in jail again." She stood up, pulling her coat back over her, and turned to me. "This was fun while it lasted. We should hang out and maybe plot Russia's downfall."

"Sounds fun. Now you should probably go save your brother."

"Right, see ya." I grinned as she ran off.


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