Chapter 37

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My Tuesday morning started better than I expected it to. First, Perrie got me her famous chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, Hatchi cuddled with me for a good thirty minutes, chief Thompson was in a good mood when I came to work, and Jesy had come back from her two week-long-vacation in dreamy Bahamas.

Five hours into my shift, still nothing had happened. It had been a quiet day at work, which was appreciated. It was nice hanging at the station, drinking coffee and go through case files. A quiet day was what we all needed every once in a while.

Jesy and I sat by our desks, drinking our fifth cup of coffee while we discussed the case files we worked on. I dealt with a sexual assault case, whereas she dealt with a break-in. Apparently, the thief stole a TV worth £8000, a quad, and jewelry for over £15 000. Yeah, it was a rich family that got robbed.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to move forward with this. The family don't know who did it and the thief didn't leave any fingerprints."

She ran her hand through her hair in frustration. A deep sigh slipped from her lips.

"Hey, why don't you put the case aside and take a break?" I suggested.

"I can't afford to take a break. I've been away from work for two weeks" she said.

"Yes, but you can't overwork yourself. That's not the way to go if you want to solve a case."

That seemed to make sense to her. She closed the file, put it aside, and took a well-needed sip of her coffee. I figured I would do the same. I'd worked diligently since I came to work this morning. I was well-deserving of a break.

"So, how was Bahamas?" I asked curiously.

"Fantastic. We both needed to get away and we got to know each other on a deeper level, as well, which only made me fall in love with him even more" Jesy said dreamingly.

"You're cute when you're in love, Jessica" I smiled.

"Enough about me, what about you? How does it feel being engaged?"

Where do I begin? In all honesty, I'd never been as happy as I was now. I woke up with a smile, fell asleep with a smile. Actually, I seemed to smile all the time. Colleagues, family, and Perrie herself pointed it out frequently. Neither of them were used to seeing me so happy. I wasn't used to being this happy, either.

"I'm happy all the time. Nothing can seem to bring me down. And I feel really safe in what Perrie and I have. Making her me fiancée was a good move" I chuckled.

"About time you put a ring on her finger. Leigh and I were getting impatient" Jesy smiled.

"You were getting impatient? Let me tell you, there has been so many times where I've wanted to propose but never did because I let fear get the best of me. I was getting impatient too" I said.

"Now neither of us have to be impatient. You finally are engaged. The Jerrie-wedding is what we're all waiting for now" she said softly.

"We won't get married any time soon. We want to be engaged for a while, take our time" I said.

"Take your time to do what?" She questioned.

"To enjoy a happy time of our life together. We don't want to rush anything" I said calmly.

"No, of course not. Rushing into things is a bad idea. Especially when it comes to getting married. Marriage is a big step in a relationship and shouldn't be taken lightly" she said wisely.

"I like this side of you" I smiled.

Our heart-to-heart ended there. Chief Thompson threw the doors to his office open and power-walked over to us.

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