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So the day of the audition has arrived which means so has the day of my exam.

Jin and I quickly revise all of our notes last minute before entering the classroom.

Hakyeon just hums The 7th Sense to himself and practices a few of the moves.

He doesn't need to study. He seems to memorise things really easily. Lucky guy. I wish I could do that.

"I just want to sleep all my issues away" I tell Jin and he nods in agreement.

"Oh boys, less than a year and we will all be living by ourselves" Hakyeon states happily and I laugh at him.

"Yeah you guys will probably be sharing a dorm with someone. Jin you shall be at university and no doubt Hakyeon you'll travel someone to pursue your dancing."

"You'll still have someone to hang with don't stress" Jin pats my back and I scoff at him.

"Yeah I'm sure Wonshik would love to get a coffee with me on the weekends."

"Speak of the devil" Hakyeon murmurs and we look to see the golden haired boy strutting down the corridor.

Sanghyuk and Hongbin are on either side. Hongbin hasn't been to school for a few weeks. He must have come back for the exams which means Krystal will be back as well.

"Oppa!" Everyone cringed as Tiffany rushes towards her boyfriend. She goes to kiss him but he pushes her away a little roughly. Her cheeks immediately turn red by the rejection.

She is quick to mutter an excuse of having to use the bathroom and hurries away.

Wonshik looks pleased with himself as he enters the classroom. Sanghyuk knocks Jin's textbook out of his hands as he walks past.

Jin just sighs and bends down to pick it up.
"We should go in as well."

We all quickly wish each other luck and head inside to take a seat at our usual desks.

I go to sit at my usual place but someone pushes me aside and sits there.

"What the hell Johnny?" I exclaim at the tall dark haired boy. He can be seen hanging with Wonshik's group occasionally but he has never assisted with the bullying of us.

"Sorry Jaehwan. I got paid what can I do?" he shrugs me off.

I turn to see Hakyeon and Jin frowning at me. I search for an empty seat and the only one that is left unoccupied is right next to Wonshik.

That is usually Tiffany's seat. I look to see that she has returned and is seated where Johnny usually sits, on the other end of the room.

Wonshik clicks his tongue as I walk over to the seat. He watches me as I sit down and I try not to notice. God knows what he will do to me once the exam starts.

The teacher walks in and I try to stay calm as she hands out the exam papers.

We soon begin and I easily complete all of the exam except for the last question.

I cannot think of an answer for the life of me. I hear someone clicking their pen.

I don't even have to look to know it's Wonshik. I try to ignore it and focus on my paper but then Hongbin and Sanghyuk join in behind me.

I sigh in frustration as I can't block out the sound. Hakyeon and Jin get up and hand in their papers. They notice what is happening as they sit in their chairs once more.

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