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"You aren't dancing today. You can have a catch up session next week at the Europe studio" Taekwoon instructs me.

Hakyeon came into the studio and was sure to alert Taekwoon of my bruised stomach.

"I'm fine, honestly" I try to convince him but he won't hear any of it.

"Just take the rest Jaehwan" Wonshik sounds slightly annoyed.

I look down and head to the bench seat near the door to the room.

I gently hold onto my bruised and battered stomach. The practice begins and I just sit and watch.

It's weird not actually practicing with everyone. When they run through the whole thing a couple of times at the end, Taekwoon comes over to me and points out where I'll be and reminds me of what I've already learnt.

The session is soon over. Taekwoon clasps his hands together as he goes to dismiss us all.

"The flight leaves tomorrow. Make sure you get a lot of sleep tonight. You are dismissed."

I get off the bench seat and wince slightly as the pain in my stomach kicks in.

"Here" I look up to see Wonshik handing me a plastic bag. I take it and look to see several ice packs placed inside along with a container of medicine.

"This is really good for numbing the pain and this brand ice pack works really well." He explains slowly.

"Thank you" I thank him. He just nods slowly before saying goodbye and leaving the studio.

I make my way to the front where Jin waits for me. His arms are crossed and he just glared at me as I walk over to him.

I haven't seen him since I got beat up.

"You idiot" he states as I wrap my arms around him. He tightens his grip and I cry out in pain, causing him to immediately pull away.

"Sorry" he apologises. "Let's get you home. You have to make sure you are all packed for tomorrow."

The bus ride is taken in absolute silence. Not one word is shared between Jin and I.

We get off and I still hold the plastic bag as we make our way to the house.

We arrive at the front door and Jin stops.
"I'm not going inside" he says quietly.

I look at him and tilt my head in confusion.
"Why? You can if you want. It's still early hours."

"I know. If I come inside, then I'll cry. You are going away for 6 months Jaehwan. I'll still see you at the airport but I think it's better for you to pack by yourself. I may continue to empty it as you keep re-filling it."

I pull him into my embrace gently as I try to avoid hurting my stomach again.

"We get to come back and visit you guys so don't worry. Also, Wonshik seems to be warming up to me slightly so don't worry about that either."

"I'm going to miss you so much" he sniffs over my shoulder. He slowly pulls away and I just smile sadly as he walks away.

I go inside and call out to let mother know that I'm home.

There is no response. I head into the kitchen but she isn't there.

I head to her room but she isn't there either. I go into my room and I almost jump out of my skin when I see her packing my suitcase.

"I was going to do that mother" I exclaim as I rush over to her. She smiles at me sweetly as she steps away from it.

"I thought I would help you."

"Thank you" I thank her as I make her sit in my desk chair. She really shouldn't be doing this for me.

"I keep forgetting that your my son. You look so handsome without glasses. My son used to be ugly" she chuckles.

"Gee thanks mother" I giggle a little bit myself. I'm going to miss her so much.

There are so many people whom I am going to miss more than anything.

"You excited?" she asks me quietly and I nod slowly. It will hopefully be a great experience.

Tears fill my eyes and silently, I begin to cry. Mother notices straight away and rushes over to me.

She wipes my tears with her thumb and frowns.
"Don't cry. Why are you upset?"

"Will you be okay here by yourself mother?" I question her and she hurried to assure me that she will be fine.

"I'm going to miss you so much" I sob and she pulls me into her embrace. I take in her scent as much as I can.

It is going to be a very long time before I can do this again.

A/N - What do you think of Wonshik giving Jaehwan the medication and ice packs? Any ideas as to what will happen once Jaehwan is alone with Wonshik on the dance tour?

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A/N - What do you think of Wonshik giving Jaehwan the medication and ice packs? Any ideas as to what will happen once Jaehwan is alone with Wonshik on the dance tour?

Thanks for reading!!

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