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My heart almost jumps out of my chest as the car screeches to a halt beside me. The hood of the car lightly touches my leg it came that close.

"You need to look before just randomly stepping out onto a road" Wonshik sighs as he grabs my arm and pulls me back into the curb.

I pull myself from his grip and turn away. I check for cars this time before storming off to the hotel.

I hear a loud thud as I walk away but I don't turn to see what it is.

I arrive to see Hani is still face timing her family and Kai is still watching something.

I just pull my earphones out and lay on the bed. I press play on Taemin's Thirsty before opening my messenger.

Are you guys on?

Yes, I just finished my dance rehearsal.

I'm studying

Wonshik likes me


What do you mean?

Was he drunk?

Kinda...but that's not the point. He keeps talking to me about it and I don't know what to say

Tell him to piss off

Stab him with a fork

I told him what I thought of him and just left it at that. But I feel kind of bad...

Don't feel bad. He's an ass

Keep us updated as to what happens, if you need us we can always fly over and bash some sense into him

Thanks guys, I'll talk to you later. Jin, good luck with your studying


I close the app and just stare at the home screen. Wonshik isn't back at the hotel yet.

I feel someone tapping on my arm. I look to see Hani trying to get my attention.

I pull out my earphone so I can hear her properly. "We have to go to the rehearsal."

"Okay" I turn off my phone and get off the bed. I head into the tiny kitchen part of the room and fill my water bottle.

"Where's Wonshik?" Hani asks me as we get our shoes on. I just shrug.
"I left him at the cafe."

"He will probably meet us at the concert hall. He wouldn't miss it" she smiles and we leave the hotel.

We get to the dress rehearsal and Wonshik isn't there. I just ignore the matter. I shouldn't concern myself with him.

But why do I feel worried for him? This dance thing has really screwed up my thought process.

"Where is Wonshik?" Taekwoon asks as soon as he enters the backstage area.

"We don't know" Kai speaks up and we all receive a glare from the instructor.

"How do you not know where one of your roommates is?"

"I last saw him at a cafe. He didn't come back to the hotel afterwards" I explain and Taekwoon sighs in frustration.

"Go up on stage and run through everything. I'll try to contact him."

We all head onto the stage and run through everything just as Taekwoon instructed us.

This stage is amazing. There are so many seats for the audience and actually being the performer is a whole new experience.

The dimness of the stage and all the lights, I feel like a young boy on christmas eve.

We get dressed into our costumes and I end up wearing the same outfit which Wonshik was wearing the other night.

The breeze of the top of my chest is cool and it's a weird sensation. I'm used to having shirts on which cover all of my torso.

The time comes for the concert to start but Wonshik still isn't here.

Taekwoon won't tell us what happened on the phone call, if Wonshik answered that is.

He just told us to have fun and don't screw up. We got a back up to take Wonshik's place last second.

Just as I am able to perform for the first time, Wonshik isn't. Of course it would end up like this.

The performance ends and boy oh boy was that a thrill. I can still feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

This is something I could definitely get used to.

I get changed out of my costume and get back into my daily clothes.

"We should all head back together" Hani suggests and the three of us leave the concert hall.

"No getting drunk tonight" Kai says firmly which causes me to chuckle under my breath.

We still don't know where Wonshik is. Maybe he will be waiting for us when we get back to the hotel.

We arrive and I begin to panic when I see he isn't there. I don't have his number so I can't contact him.

"Do you have Wonshik's number?" I ask Kai. Surely he has it, the pair seem to be pretty tight.

"Yeah, why?" he raises a brow in slight confusion and I just ask him to give it to me.

I key the number into my phone and dial it. Straight to voicemail. Where the hell is he?!

"Hey Taekwoon just sent out an email regarding Wonshik" Hani suddenly calls out.

I look down at my phone to see I have received the same notification.

I open the email and I cannot believe what I am reading.

From: Jung Taekwoon
Subject: Wonshik's disappearance

As you all may have heard, Wonshik has not been seen since Jaehwan last saw him at a cafe several hours ago. Hence he missed the performance tonight. I called his mobile as you were rehearsing and the hospital answered. Wonshik has been hit by a car and is currently being treated by the emergency staff. He will be okay as he has only received a fractured leg and a few bruises and scratches. Due to his injury he will not be performing for the next month. Feel free to visit him. He should be released within 24 hours and will go back to staying with his room mates.

Don't injure yourselves as we can't afford to lose anymore dancers for any period of time.


Wonshik was hit by a car. A car. Was that the thud I heard as I left him at the cafe?

A/N - What do you think Jaehwan will do after hearing the news about Wonshik?

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A/N - What do you think Jaehwan will do after hearing the news about Wonshik?

Thanks for reading!!

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