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2 Months Later

Hakyeon does not look happy as he leans against the bench. I stand beside him, sipping on my iced tea.

"Hurry up!" he yells down the hallway.

"Give is a second!" Krystal yells right back at him.

He looks at me and rolls his eyes.
"If we are late because of her, I will kill her."

I just laugh and focus on my drink. The sound of her heels can be heard as she rushes down the hallway.

I look to see her wearing a navy blue dress which stops just above her knees. Hongbin lingers at her side with a hand protectively placed on her lower back.

Hakyeon notices this of course but wisely, bites his tongue.

Hongbin's suit is a classic black one with a tie. Hakyeon chose to wear a dark blue suit with no tie.

My suit is black and I do not have a tie either.

"Shall we head of then?" Hongbin grins at us all and I see Hakyeon muttering some kind of curse.

He just turns away and leaves the house. He still isn't accepting of the relationship between Hongbin and his sister. He still believes Hongbin is a bad person.

We all get into the car and head off to our graduation ceremony.

We are finally graduating from high school. We are finally leaving the place which has caused us non-stop hell for the longest time.

Arriving at the venue, Hakyeon is more then happy to be able to get away from the happy couple.

Jin waits for us inside. He is already seated at a table with a glass of wine in his hand.

I forget that he is one year older then us sometimes.
He doesn't act like it.

"Look at you two fools" he smirks at us and raises the glass in our direction.

Hakyeon sits beside him and looks at the dance floor which is already occupied with several couples and girls trying to attract guys last minute.

I just stand beside the table. "Have you seen Wonshik?"

Jin shakes his head and taps his fingers on the table.
"I don't think he has arrived yet."

"I see" I try to not sound disappointed. Wonshik promised he would be on time.

I was a few minutes late yet he wasn't here when we arrived.

I find myself looking every time I hear the front doors opening.

After ten minutes my neck aches from turning it constantly, so I give up and take a seat.

"Do you want a drink?" Hakyeon asks me and I nod. He sends me a reassuring look before walking away.

"He'll be here" Jin has to yell to be heard over the music.

"He would kill himself if he missed it."

"I know" I try to keep myself from talking my leg or showing all the telltale signs that I'm anxious.

"Your drink sir" A deep voice suddenly says. I look up to see Wonshik extending a glass filled with soft drink towards me.

I find myself grinning as I stand and wrap my arms around him.

He pulls back just enough so he can briefly kiss me in greeting.

"Sorry that I'm late. Traffic was awful."

"That's okay. Your here now and with beverages so I guess I won't kill you" I pull away from him and take the glass.

I take a sip and he watches my every move.

He looks unbelievably attractive in his suit. He has taken the jacket off and just thrown it over his shoulder.

I reach up and take it from him. He looks at me in shock but then nods in realisation as I hang it over the back of my chair.

"Lets dance" He suddenly states. I look at Jin and Hakyeon who both just shrug dismissively.

I didn't even see Hakyeon come back, I was too distracted by Wonshik.

He offers his hand and I take it. We walk to the dance floor and I am grateful that it is a fast song.

We just dance like two idiots and laugh at each other.

After a few songs like this, a ballad comes on. I immediately tense up.

Wonshik calms me as soon as his arm loops around my waist and pulls me against him. He takes my hand and I mirror his stance.

We begin to dance slowly, holding eye contact the whole time. Neither of us dating to break it.

"What are we going to do now that school is over?" I ask him quietly.

He just tilts his head and smiles. "We will have to put in extra effort to see each other on a daily basis."

"And how so?"

"Lets move in together. It should be a bit of fun. We have to go to university anyways. We could share a dorm" he seems pleased with his idea.

"Are you asking me to live with you after tonight?" I find myself at a loss for words as he nods firmly.

"It doesn't have to be straight away but yes. I want you to be with me all the time Jaehwan. I want us to be together. What do you say?"

"I'll go with you, Wonshik but only on one condition" I agree and he narrows his gaze.

"We have to mark the new place as ours don't we? There's only one way to do so."

He smirks and places his mouth against my ear.
"Oh I'll make you scream your marking, first in the bed, then the bench, then the-"

I hit his chest as heat rushes into my cheeks.

He grins and moves his head back so he can look me in the eye once more.

"I love you."

I smile and look over his shoulder Hakyeon and Jin. Hakyeon seems to be whining about Krystal as he keeps gesturing towards his sister and speaks with a frown on his face.

I just laugh softly and make eye contact with Wonshik again.

"I love you too."

A/N - and it's a happy ending please no one kill me! i hope you enjoyed this story!!

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A/N - and it's a happy ending please no one kill me! i hope you enjoyed this story!!

random question but, would you guys be interested in a sequel where the guys are now adults?

i'm sad to see this story finish but please feel free to check out any of my current works, Hurt, His Shield and also my two stories on my nct account.

thank you so much for reading and i hope to meet again soon in the next story!!

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