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My jaw drops in shock. I am too stunned to say anything in response.

Wonshik notices and gets off the bed and walks over to me.

He sits beside me and gently places a hand on my thigh. He kisses my temple and just lets his lips linger for a few moments.

"I love you." He says again. As though the words were as simple as 'how are you.'

Am I meant to say it back?

"I-I" I go to mirror what he said but I can't bring myself to. Suddenly memories of him bullying me come flooding back.

He can't possibly love me. Not after all he has done. He only started treating me like this on the tour.

Because he was lonely. He just needed company. It all makes sense now.

"Your lying" I tell him and he tightens his grip on my thigh slightly.

"I'm not. I love you Lee Jaehwan" he tries to convince me but I'm not stupid.

"You hate me" I push him away and stand on my own two feet. "You only started acting nice towards me because Sanghyuk and Hongbin aren't here. You only pretended that you cared about me because you were lonely. You don't love me. Your using me."

"What has gotten into you?" he looks at me in disbelief and I roll my eyes.

"Obviously common sense. I can't believe I fell for it for 5 months."

"You didn't fall for anything Jaehwan. None of this has been an act, why won't you believe me when I say this?" he begins to raise his voice.

"Because you've been bullying me for the past several years Wonshik! How the fuck can someone like you love me?!" I yell at him.

He seems taken aback by my words. He just sighs and gets off the bed.

"It was a mistake to have any feelings for you" he says harshly as he walks over to the front door.

"Obviously it's been a waste of my time. Sorry for using you Jaehwan. I have been lonely but I wouldn't dare go so low."

With that he leaves.

A/N - sorry for the short chapter but i had to write it in my break between studying~

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A/N - sorry for the short chapter but i had to write it in my break between studying~

thanks for reading!!

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