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"I'm Jaehwan" I take her extended hand and shake it firmly. She smiles and lets go. "I'm so happy to be here. I really was not expecting to be accepted."

"Trust me, no one was more surprised than me" I exclaim and she giggles at me.

"Everyone please assemble in the middle of the studio. Be sure you can see yourself in the mirror" a male voice suddenly instructs us all.

I look to see a tall man with his hands clasped together, standing at the door to the studio. His hair is a dark colour.

We all group together and Hani and I stand beside each other in front of the mirror.

I see Wonshik is standing two people away from me. I glance at him every now and then to make sure he is well away from me.

He has the same guy who he was speaking to before standing beside him.

"Okay everyone, my name is Taekwoon and I will be your dance instructor for the next six months. If you would prefer you may call me Leo" the instructor introduces himself as he makes his way to the front of the room.

He looks over amid all and I can tell by the look in his eyes that he is doing a head count.

"Everyone seems to be here. Great. Well let us warm up" he presses play on the speakers and the music begins to blast out.

"Just follow what I do" he instructs and begins to do stretches.

"He's handsome" Hani states from beside me and I smirk at her. "No comment."

He is definitely attractive. But I am a guy. I don't admit that kind of thing.

The warm up seems to be easy enough. Now if only all the dances which we have to do will be like this.

We soon start to work on the first song and it doesn't take long for me to grow tired.

"Jaehwan" Taekwoon calls for me whilst the others practice the first half of the dance over and over again.

"Yes?" I feel pressured standing at the front if he room beside the instructor.

I can feel Wonshik's gaze is on me. I don't have to look to know he is snickering about me to his newfound friend.

"You aren't very fit are you?" Taekwoon asks me. "No" I say honestly. I've never been very fit. I have the worst stamina.

"We need to work on that. Hang on a sec" he smiles and pauses the music.
"Who would be willing to help train Jaehwan so that he gains more stamina?"

I cannot believe my ears. I look at Taekwoon in pure shock and slight fear as he examines the raised hands.

Three hands are raised, Hani's, Wonshik's friend and Wonshik.

"Well it looks as though we have a choice" Taekwoon grins and I begin to feel uneasy.

"What's your name?" he points to the guy who stands beside Wonshik.

"Kai" he says confidently. Where have I heard that name before?

"I reckon Wonshik should do it. You two know each other from high school anyways. Don't you?" Taekwoon states and my heart sinks.

"I'll be more than happy to train my buddy here" Wonshik walks over to me and places me in a headlock.

"Good. You are all dismissed. We will learn the rest of the song in tomorrow's rehearsal. Eat well, sleep well and study hard" Taekwoon smiles at us all before leaving the room.

Wonshik lets go of me and smirks at me.
"Lets start training now, shall we?"

A/N - Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!

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A/N - Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!

What do you think of what occurred in the first dance lesson? What will happen with Wonshik now training Jaehwan?

Thanks for reading!!

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