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It's already the last day here, in Europe. The time has passed really quickly.

Jin and Hakyeon are coming to see our final concert here before we head to our next destination.

They will be on the plane currently. No doubt, Hakyeon is talking Jin's ears away.

Tiffany stayed a few days longer than she originally planned. It's been two weeks since she first arrived.

Wonshik happily gave up his spot in Kai's bed and came to sleep in mine.

Every night, once everyone is asleep, he always pulls me into his embrace and just holds me as we both fall asleep.

It's really nice.

"Where are your friends staying?" Wonshik asks me as he hands me a cup of tea.

"In a hotel some where near here" I tell him and he nods slowly. He sits next to me at looks over at Kai and Tiffany who are both sound a sleep.

"Do you think we will have similar sleeping conditions in America?" he questions softly and I smile to myself.

"I hope so. The nights may be a lot colder and be filled with a lot less sleep if it's any different."

"I'm glad you are thinking the same as I am. That I'm not the only one." He places his hand on my thigh. I grin at the gesture.

"There is going to be a party after the concert tonight. The dancers are going to get hammered at that night club" he informs me.

"Do you want to go?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Why would I miss what could possibly be the last opportunity to get you alone in the hotel room?"

"I was hoping you'd say that" I finish my tea and that's when Tiffany sharply rises into a seated position.

Her hair is drenched with sweat and sticks to her forehead as she breathes rapidly.

I see a look of concern in Wonshik's eyes. Whatever she dreamt about, it must have been a common occurrence while they were still together as Wonshik asks, "Your still dreaming about...that?"

She looks him in the eye and I see tears silently streaming down her cheeks.

"They won't stop Wonshik. I've done everything that I can think of to stop it. I've done what you told me to do but nothing is working."

I focus on the cup in my hands as the pair speak. I feel as though this really isn't something which I should be listening to.

"Does he know?" Wonshik gestures to the still sleeping Kai and she shrugs.

"I haven't told him and I don't plan to. You don't exactly want people to know that every month you have dreams of your father molesting you. It's not a pleasant thing to tell others."

My heart stops at that.
She was molested as a child? By her father at that.

She notices that Kai is slowly waking up and hurried to get out of the bed.

She looks at Wonshik one more time before locking herself in the bathroom.

"Where's Tiff?" Kai's drowsy voice speaks up.
"Bathroom" is all Wonshik says as he takes my empty cup and heads to the small sink.

There is not enough time to see Hakyeon and Jin before the performance.

Their plane was delayed so they only arrived here with an hour to get to the hotel then to the venue.

I feel more nervous knowing their are familiar faces in the crowd tonight.

Wonshik isn't fussed by it at all. Then again, he only ever bullied them, he was never friends with them.

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