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Wonshik didn't say another word to me for the rest of the flight. He just plugged in his earphones and ignored me.

Then again I did the same. All that needed to be said was said.

I still don't understand why he is getting so worked up over the whole ordeal.

He got caught red handed yet he is still acting innocent.

I get the chance to even look for Hakyeon and Jin when I get off the plane.

They are instantly wrapped around me. I smile to myself as I hug them both back.

They pull away again and I take out my earphones.

"We thought you were never coming home" Hakyeon exclaims.

"I thought I was never coming home" I agree with him and that's when Jin scowls over my shoulder, presumably Wonshik has walked out.

"Do you want me to kill him now or later?" He asks me and takes a step forward.

"Later, you don't want to make a scene" I laugh softly and place a hand against his chest.

I called Jin the night that I left Wonshik. I explained everything and I assume he passed it on to Hakyeon.

"I should've seen it. I'm sorry Jaehwan. We should've been there to protect you" Hakyeon suddenly apologises.

I look him in the eye and send him a death glare.

"Don't you dare apologise. You guys did nothing wrong. I was the fool, not you two."

"Lets go get your bags so we can go home" Jin sighs and heads off to the bag collection area.

It doesn't take long for us to collect my bags. We get into the car which Hakyeon borrowed again and we begin the drive back.

"You must have a 20 pack after all that dancing" Hakyeon grins to himself.

"No, of course I don't. I just have fat" I deny him and he scowls at me through the review mirror.

"Something would be terribly wrong with you if you got fat from dancing 24/7 when you didn't have any to begin with."

"I'm fat" I state and Jin leans over from the passenger seat and hits my leg as hard as he can.

"You say that one more time and you can walk home to burn off all of that invisible fat of yours."

"Fine then" I wrap my arms around my stomach and look out the window. "I'm skinny as a skinny person can be."

"That's better" Jin smiles go himself and looks out the front again.

"How about some music to fill the silence?" Hakyeon suggests and Jin turns it own without waiting for my response.

We just sit in silence as the songs on the radio begin.

The 7th Sense by NCT U soon comes on. It finishes as soon as it came on and the next song makes my heart stop.

This is one of the songs which we were back up dancers for.

In this dance there was a bit where Wonshik would wrap his arms around me and we had to do part of the choreography together.

We used to practice it in the hotel and we would always end up making it like crazy afterwards.

My heart hurts slightly by the memory.

I am grateful when the song finishes.

I am surprised when we arrive at Hakyeon's place. Hongbin is seated on the couch with his hands shoved deep into his pockets.

Krystal is still at her boarding school. Why on earth is he here?

Hakyeon notices my expression and rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Krystal managed to convince our parents to just meet him a couple of times to see how much of a 'gentleman' he is. It's bull shit. Mother is this close to bringing her back and allowing them to be together."

Hongbin looks over at me and smiles. He gets off the couch and walks over to us.

"Why hello Hakyeon. How'd your tour go?" he asks as though we have been friends for a very long time.

"Very well" I hesitate to answer. Why is he being so kind all of a sudden? Doesn't he hate us?

"Isn't that wonderful?" he grins and looks over my shoulder. "Mrs Cha welcome home."

Thats why.

"Come on, lets go to my room" Hakyeon nudges my arm and we head to his room.

Jin had to go home as his mother wanted him to do more studying for his exam which is in three days.

I stopped by my house and dropped off my bags. I assured mother that I was alive and well and assured myself that she was alive and well before making my way to Hakyeon's place.

Once in his room, he slams the door behind us.

"I'm not very happy with my parents currently. I'd prefer to not make you witness us fighting."

I nod slowly and turn to face his laptop which is open on his desk.

"I was browsing the internet just before you came here" Hakyeon informs me and logs into his laptop.

"You may wanna have a look on this fan site" he lowers his head as he passes me his laptop.

I scroll through the articles and none of them take my interest. Then I see the last one.

Back - Up dancer breaks hearts as he announces he is taken by his fellow high school student.

I click on the title and the page loads. The cover image is one of Wonshik and Tiffany, he has one arm wrapped around her waist and she has both of her arms wrapped around him.

Wonshik is back with Tiffany.

"I'm sorry" Hakyeon mutters but I just scoff.

"That prick can't be alone for more then two seconds can he?"

I push away Hakyeon's sympathy even though, my heart is screaming for him to just hold me as I cry.

I push away Hakyeon's sympathy even though, my heart is screaming for him to just hold me as I cry

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A/N - thoughts on wonshik getting back with tiffany? what will jaehwan do now?

i published a new story which is just a book filled with vixx short stories. please check it out if you haven't already!!

thanks for reading!!

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