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"We begin training in two weeks. We head to our first performance which is in Europe in a month" I inform Jin and Hakyeon.

"That should be a bit of fun for you" Jin states and Hakyeon grins. "I knew you'd get in."

"I haven't told mother yet. I don't know how to" I sigh. "You are going to have to do it at one point. Sooner rather than later would be better" Jin points out and I nod slowly.

"I know. I know."

"Wonshik was accepted" Hakyeon speaks quietly and I roll my eyes.

"I knew he would be. I didn't think I would get in as well though. Tiffany is most upset that her dearest boyfriend is going to be away for so long."

"Maybe you can whip him into line whilst you are away together" Jin suggests.

"Yeah right" I scoff and we all just laugh at the idea. None of us would ever be able to get Wonshik to change his ways. He will forever be a dick.


Arriving at home, I feel as though I should tell my mother that I got accepted.

She will be pleased but at the same time annoyed that I'm going to be away for so long.

As per usual she is preparing dinner when I walk in. "I'm home" I call out as I enter the kitchen.

"How was your day?" she asks me without facing me. "Great. Listen, do you remember that world tour thing I auditioned for the other day?"

"Faintly. Did the results come out?" Her voice softens and I frown slightly.

"Yes. I was accepted" I feel a little less excited then I was initially after telling her.

"Good job. My son is going to perform all over the world" she exclaims and I smile to myself.

"I'm only a backup dancer mother."

"You are still going to be travelling all over the world for six months. I suppose we should think about packing your bags."

"I will be sure to call you every day. You needn't worry mother" I try to assure her but she doesn't seem convinced.

"Go get changed. Dinner will be ready soon."

I sigh before heading to my room. I change into an old shirt which reads 'Dance with me' and a loose pair of tracksuit pants.

I take a seat at my desk and place my head in my hands. I don't even know if my mother will be able to look after herself for the six months which I am away for.

I am such an idiot. You would think that I weighed all of that up before auditioning for the tour.

I turn on my laptop and google the whole dance tour. Straight away, a ton of videos from previous performances and brought up.

I click on the most recent one and lean back in the chair as I watch. This time they were being back up dances for NU'EST.

The clip begins and I have to admit that I am amazed by how good it is.

I think I will struggle with this experience. Mostly because I will have to put up with Wonshik for 7 days a week instead of 5.


Arriving at school, the first thing I see is Wonshik seated beside Tiffany. She is sobbing uncontrollably whilst he quietly speaks to her.

I halt and just watch the two for a few moments. Wonshik does not look as though he is trying to comfort her at all.

"Why do you think this will be so easy?!" she exclaims at him and he just rolls his eyes.

"I learn some dances, get on a plane, perform then repeat all over again. After six months I come back here and continue with my normal life. Why are you getting to worked up over this?"

"Are you even going to miss me?!" Tiffany yells and Wonshik just looks away from her.
"Do you even care for me?" She asks in a much quieter voice.

"Do you want to break up then?" Wonshik says way to easily.

"No. I really don't Wonshik, but if you're going to just leave without even thinking twice about it then maybe we should."

He stands from the bench and places his hands in his pockets. "It was a nice dating you for the past two years."

"Five years. You can't even remember that?" Tiffany snaps and doesn't say anything as Wonshik turns in his heel and walks away, leaving her alone on the bench.

I can't help but feel sorry for her. Yes she has never been kind to me whatsoever but no one deserves to be treated like that.

Already regretting my decision, I turn away from the school and head to the bench.

I stay silent as I take a seat next to her. She looks up, notices me, then looks away again.

"What do you want?" she asks harshly as she wipes her eyes with the end of her finger.

I unzip my bag and pull out a small packet of tissues which I hand over to her. She looks me in the eyes briefly before snatching the packet off of me.

"I don't understand how you put up with him for so long" I say quietly and she scoffs.

"He used to be a great guy. I knew him before he transferred here and he was amazing. I used to think that if we were in a movie he would be the protagonist that everyone adored."

She looks at the ground and takes a few deep breaths, calming herself before continuing.

"Then he met Sanghyuk. That bastard changed him and not for he better. Wonshik was never violent when we fought. He would rarely yell even. But as soon as he met Sanghyuk, the same week he got angry with me and he hit me. I was in too much shock to say or do anything about it. He apologised and that was that. Why am I even telling you this? Anyways, what I'm trying to get across is that Wonshik is actually a great guy. Most of those five years were actually really good. I did love him, but Sanghyuk has ruined him."

"I'm sorry" I say quietly not knowing what else to say. "No. I'm sorry that he hit you. Are you okay?" she brings up the wound that Sanghyuk inflicted against me yesterday and I lower my head.

"I'm fine."

My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket to see a message from Hakyeon.

I log in and go to read it but Tiffany takes the device off of me.

"We should be friends. We have the biggest thing in common after all" She madly types away on my phone and I can only assume that she is adding her contact details.

"We both hate Wonshik."

A/N - What do you think of how Jaehwan's mother reacted to the news of him going away for six months? What about what Tiffany said about Wonshik? Will her and Jaehwan becoming friends work out? What will Wonshik have to say about it all?

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A/N - What do you think of how Jaehwan's mother reacted to the news of him going away for six months? What about what Tiffany said about Wonshik? Will her and Jaehwan becoming friends work out? What will Wonshik have to say about it all?

Thanks for reading!!

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