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Jin hasn't been at school for the past three days. He has been studying non stop for a upcoming exam to get into a really popular school.

They only take in the best of the best. I would be very surprised if Jin doesn't get in.

Too try and keep the pressure off himself slightly he has decided to take this week off and dedicate himself to studying completely.

Leaving just Hakyeon and I to deal with Wonshik and his crew.

It didn't take Wonshik long to become his normal self around me once more.

The next dance practice is nearing fast and I can't help but feel as though I don't want to go.

"Yah, are you listening to me?" Hakyeon suddenly exclaims.

I look over at him to see him holding his phone out towards me.

I finally take the hint and take it off him to view the image on the screen.

It's Krystal's social media page. Her most recent post is a photo of her and Hongbin kissing whilst standing knee deep in the beach water.

Captioned: Feeling lucky to have been able to spend the day with this one~ #dontmakemeleave #theoneiloveisrighthere

"Is she trying to send you the hint to beg your parents to make her go elsewhere?" I ask him as I hand it back and he shrugs.

"Probably. But I'm not going to. It was her decision to keep it from them so she must suffer the consequences."

"Don't you think that's a little harsh? You are her brother" I say quietly and he nods slowly but his expression remains still.

"I know. It is very harsh but what can I do?"

"Maybe you should talk to her about it and see what she has to say for herself. Maybe consider Hongbin as a normal person that actual treats your sister well and not someone who is always bullying us."

Hakyeon lets loose a long breath and turns off his phone. "I'll think about it."

I chuckle softly at him and look ahead of me just in time to see Sanghyuk coming towards us quickly.

I don't have time to react before he raises his arm and punches my jaw.

Not having the time to brace myself, I fall onto the ground immediately.

People quickly gather around us as they see the fight breaking out.

"I don't appreciate how our time was interrupted the other day" he says harshly.

I go to get back onto my feet but he kicks my back, sending me slamming back onto the floor.

"Sanghyuk stop!" Hakyeon yells. I look up to see him trying to push the younger away but he is violently pushed back into the crowd where he is held back by Hongbin.

"Did you think I had forgotten?" Sanghyuk asks me with a smile on his face as he pulls back his leg and kicks me in the stomach.

I am instantly winded. I clench my stomach and scrunch up my face in pain.

The tears are coming and way too fast. I'm not sure if I can keep them at bay until at least after I've gotten myself out of this situation.

He continues to kick me and yell at me but his words quickly become nothing but broken whispers in my ears as I tune out.

All I can focus on is the pain.

But then it just stops.

I hear some shouting and I look up in time to see someone punching Sanghyuk in the face, sending him back a few steps.

Just as the person walks over to me, I black out.

I wake up in the infirmary room. Hakyeon is in the chair beside the bed.

He holds an ice pack on the side of my head as I lay there. There is also one which has been placed on my stomach.

"How are you feeling?" he asks me softly.
"Like shit" I tell him honestly.

Everything hurts. That attack came from nowhere. I had no time to brace myself or even try to defend myself from any of those hits.

What on earth is wrong with Sanghyuk?

"What happened after I blacked out? Who hit Sanghyuk?" I question him and he swallows tensely before answering. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me" I smile softly at him and he sighs before speaking again.

"Wonshik came and stopped him. He told him to calm down. Sanghyuk fires back but Wonshik just punched him. Sanghyuk was angry but he didn't dare touch Wonshik and he just stormed off. Wonshik then helped me to take you here. After Hongbin let me go of course."

"Wonshik hit Sanghyuk?" I repeat in shock and Hakyeon nods slowly.

"I couldn't believe it myself and I saw it happen. We need to tell Jin about this. Maybe our days of being bullied are going to end soon. If the head of the gang is now protecting you then maybe we have a few good months left of school to come."

"But what if Sanghyuk decides to run his own crew Hakyeon? What then?"

Hakyeon shivers in disgust. "Don't even think of that. That better never happen."

A/N - What do you think of Wonshik hitting Sanghyuk to stop him from hurting Jaehwan?

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A/N - What do you think of Wonshik hitting Sanghyuk to stop him from hurting Jaehwan?

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