chapter 70: bath time for gus gus

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"gus gus! ellie! bath time!" tyler called from the bathroom.

gus shrieked in excitement, waddling to the bathroom and jumping into tyler's arms.

tyler giggled and helped gus undress, lifting him up and placing him in the tub. "you want mr. ducky??"

"YAAAAAA!" gus squealed, hugging the rubber duck that tyler handed him.

gus gus splashed around with the bubbles, taking some in his hands and sweetly holding it out to tyler.

"HE' GO DADA!" he yelled with a grin.

tyler giggled and took the bubbles. "thanks, gus gus." he slid them back into the tub and giggled as gus just handed them right back to him.

and again.

and again.

and again.

"ok, gus gus. i think bath time is over," tyler said, kissing gus's head.

gus started to tear up.

"oh, i guess you can stay in there for just a lil while longer..." tyler said, hating when his sweet boy cried.

augustus grinned and did his gus gus dance in the tub, holding tyler's fingers the whole time.

gus ended up staying in the bath tub for another hour, dancing to tyler singing.

"where's jishjish??" gus asked, wanting his other daddy there to dance with him.

"he's with ellie and ruby," he said, kissing his son's forehead.

"dada need to come now!"

"he's gotta be with your sister's, honey. we don't wanna leave them alone."

gus then hopped out of the tub, waddling around the house naked trying to find josh.

"gus gus! where're your clothes, mister?!" josh asked laughing, his hands on his hips.

"dada! bath time!" gus yelled, tugging at josh's arm.

"gus, honey, i gotta be with sissies!"

"dance with gus gus, dada!" gus said, still pulling at his arm.

josh giggled and sighed, standing up and picking his son up. "excuse me, princesses. i'll be back," he said, hating to interrupt their tea party.

josh carried gus back to the bathroom, setting him in the tub. "ty, baby. he doesn't move that fast. he's two. how the fuck did you not manage to catch him before he got past the doorway?" he asked his husband, laughing.

tyler shrugged and giggled. "i dunno. he's just so cute and he looked so happy."

"DANCE! DANCE! DANCE!" gus said happily, splashing around in the tub.

josh giggled and held gus's hands, moving them back and forth as they danced.

"ok, gus. i think it's time i go back with sissies," josh said, getting up after kissing his temple.

gus pouted sadly.

"i know, baby. we can dance later," josh said.

gus's face lit up and he giggled excitedly.

he loved dancing with josh.

and giving hugs to tyler.

and holding hands with ellie.

and doing just about anything with ruby.

he loved his family, and his family loved him.

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