Season 2: Chapter 41: Sad Lives

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It's been three months since your death. Everyone was still recovering from the loss. Especially Sans. He hasn't been the same since then. Papyrus too, he had always been the happy character. But, now, he's crying.

Frisk was the one most upset. Her mistake got the love of her life killed. She tried to reset on multiple occasions but Sans was always... there...

Sans would not let Frisk reset. He would always block off the button. One time he somehow almost broke it.

Frisk was not single anymore though. Even though she was still grieving over your death she had to learn to move on. You were her childhood friend and lover.

Frisk was now seeing a guy named Gustavo. Just kidding that's her not so good friend and possible drug dealer. She was actually seeing a guy named Moryo. Though he had an odd name he always tried to help her and brighten her mood, even if he had gotten hurt.

Sans of course did not want that to happen. He wasn't going to let Frisk get another guy, he wanted her to suffer. But Papyrus told him, we all need to move on.

Sans let this one slide. But he always made Frisk's life a nightmare. One time when there was a dinner at their house, Sans tried to poison her food, but Papyrus caught him before he could do anything to the food.

It's been two weeks since Flowey had gone missing. Sans didn't really care about it anyways. Sans just stopped caring.

Papyrus was still trying to be his usual self. He's still optimistic and confident as always.

Toriel and Asgore are still the same. They didn't know you that well to begin with. Chara was upset though. She did also cry for weeks.

Undyne and Alphys were of course upset as well. Undyne was able to get over it pretty quick though considering it was the way she was it really wasn't unexpected. Alphys was still upset, Undyne tried a lot of things to help.

Gaster was also majorly upset. He knew you were a kind person and didn't deserve the fate you had gotten. He was indebted to you for freeing him and he failed.

Frisk was at the moment sitting at home with her new boyfriend Moryo. She laughed at his jokes a lot and even made out with him on occasion. She was slowly starting to get over you. Though three months is a really short time.

Moryo had a guitar and played a song for Frisk. She enjoyed it very much. Suddenly, Frisk grabbed Moryo and pulled him onto the bed. Moryo obviously wasn't ready for the sudden move. He didn't want any sexual relations yet either.

Frisk wanted to reward him for being so kind. Moryo shook his head no but that didn't stop Frisk.

Frisk ran a finger down his shirt. Moryo quickly pushed her off with a beating red face. He didn't know what to do.

"Ok.. I'm sorry.." Frisk apologized.

'It's ok' Moryo signed.

Frisk thought everything would turn out ok in the end. But.. they weren't.. they had no idea they were being watched.


"B-boss. Everyone is in their homes today. Do you wish to do it now?" Flowey asked.

"Yes." A man with a life suit on said. The voice sounded deep due to the suit. The suits color was black and covered the mans body from head to toe in life support gear. Similar to Darth Vader.

"Should I assist?" Flowey asked.

"No. I'll go in alone."

Souls in Love (Female! Frisk x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now