An Army of One (Part Two)

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I step out of my sanctuary armed

with wit, beauty, intelligence, courage; 

all the weapons I need for the day.

I stride out the door into a dream-scene

Where reality hasn't quite taken over,

and fairy tale meets humanity.

I am swept into the mundanes of everyday living---

school, homework, food companions---but I don't exactly

match the standards.

People don't seem to notice that I'm fully armed, 

ready to wage war if necessary.

They ignore my grace and charm that I painstakingly applied this morning;

how utterly rude. 

They refuse to acknowledge how strenuous the effort is

to prepare for a day that I see as a battlefield

Where they see hallways and classrooms.

The attacks rage all day,

and when I finally arrive at home, I am

spent, bloodied, and bruised, 

but I've survived once again. 

I'm not exactly triumphant, but definitely not defeated.

I stumble back to my fortress sanctuary, exhausted, 

and wearily remove my chain mail, my helmet. 

I slip off my gauntlets last, and I am just


once again. 

I silently plead that no one attacks me now, 

when I'm at my most vulnerable, 

when I'm only human.

If one did, they would almost certainly triumph,

and I have a reputation to uphold. 

--Dedicated to everyone who felt like they were engaged in battle every day as soon as they stepped outside into the world. Keep fighting---I'm fighting beside you. 

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