Step Out of Line

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This world

Is becoming more machine

Than human

We're all 

Marching in straight rows

Down an assembly line

Too focused on being in step

Than on what's going on and why

And it's all for the sake of society

The sake of conformity

The sake of needed to belong

Metal hearts and concrete minds,

Shutting out anything we don't deem "acceptable"

Locking our doors to avoid facing change

To our little bubbles of safety and routine

Which can be okay for a while

But the world is too cold sometimes

Too harsh, too unforgiving,

A cruel Arctic tundra that refuses to let anything new grow

And we need to melt the snow

It's okay to step out of line

To help the person who tripped, 

To stop marching in a row

It's okay to make cracks in the concrete 

To let tiny shoots of grass and flowers spring through

It's okay to change

It's okay to be different

And it's okay to want something more than just the cards given to you


Don't just accept change, 

{Be the change you wish to see in the world.} -Mahatma Gandhi (emphasis added)

It's 11:45 pm and I really should be in bed, but I wanted to say thank you to all my readers. Be different, and be you. No matter what, you're awesome. <3 Cheers!! 

PS Thank you to @ButteryButteryFly5 for fixing my typo. :)

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