Ode to a Northern October

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Friday, 13 January 2017

Ice in my socks,
And snow in my boots
Fog on my glasses
And frost at my roots

Huddled in blankets,
Wrapped in my bedding,
Just a while back.
The cold, I was dreading.

And for good reason!
For, now, frozen am I.
I may very well freeze here,
Under the dark sky.

So socks become icy,
And boots fill with snow,
'Cause here, we're ten feet under
And thirty below.

Hey guys! I wrote this earlier this year, but I was waiting for the snow to start before I published it. Well, it snowed yesterday! It's super-cold, but so pretty outside. Hot chocolate time!! ^-^ PS For anyone confused, the last line is about it being around negative 30 degrees Fahrenheit outside. (I'm a USA child. ;) 

Shoutout to @Lifingbooks––she's been with me since the beginning of this collection, and she keeps me going when sometimes I don't have any inspiration or don't feel like writing. Thank you so much! <3

Love you all! Stay warm, stay positive, stay beautiful! 


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