For Juliet

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These are actually my sister Juliet's poems. They're sort-of accidents. She said them, and they just sounded like poems, so I wrote them down. The reason they're short is because she's only two (and eleven months), if you can believe it. She tells stories and makes up nonsense, but she actually sounds like a real poet to me with least, when I took the best parts from her toddler rambles. Enjoy! :) 

There were flowers here

And they grew and were so lovely

But the wind blowed them away 

And they were gone and we didn't see the colors anymore

But they'll come back in the spring

Music is soft and loud

On the piano 

But it's in you, too

And that makes it nice to hear

That's all for now! Love from Juliet the poet and her big sister, Beau_Ciel! Bye guys, have an awesome week and I'll be back soon with more poetry! Love you all ^-^

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