The Fire and the Flames

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your soul is full of 


that burn brightly, fiercely,

as you move through the gusts of life's winds and storms

but sometimes

when you're the only warm thing in a long distance

it's hard to fight the cold 

and stay warm

everyone has a flame inside them

it starts out small

then grows

and brightens

and as we endure life's cold 

and bask in its beautiful springs

and struggle and burn

it darkens and lightens

our flames all used to be strong at one point

bonfires of 

warmth, fierce anger, and

beautiful pain

but as life sometimes rained on us

and made them hiss and sputter

they started to extinguish, 

and then to fade

and some go out

when they give up on themselves

the fire grows dimmer and dimmer until 

one day, it's gone

because they've lost hope that 

things will get better

but they don't remember

that there has to be a sunset to have a dawn

your light may flicker sometimes too

but that doesn't mean you should lose hope

because someone will come and rekindle your flame

you may just have to keep it alight on your own for a while

but soon enough someone will come along

and see your light

and want to make it burn like it used to

and they will smile, and relight your fire.

you will burn as brightly as you did before you struggled

you can endure the spatters of rain

you just have to remember that when you're in a pit

someone will come and throw you a rope

and as you climb out, your fire will burn again,

an inferno that shows how brightly you burn

and you realize that all you need

to keep burning is a little bit of hope.

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