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The world is suffering

The world is sick

Dying of something 

We always miss

Something we pass over

And ignore

But that only makes the problem worse

Than before

We hide behind our 

Tightly closed doors

Shutting off the lights

Not letting them shine anymore

We pretend not to notice when someone talks bad about us

We whisper behind another's back

And yet we're still hurt and pretend that we aren't

When someone points out the things that we lack

We pass by the homeless

Or give them some change

But in all reality

We judge them 'cause they're strange

We see the shy girl

Who at sports always loses

But we don't see under her long sleeves

With arms covered in bruises

We avoid the greasy-haired, skinny 

Kid in the hall

Who is thinking of suicide

And we don't help at all

The opposite of love is not hate, 

it's indifference

The opposite of art is not ugliness, 

it's indifference

The opposite of faith is not heresy, 

it's indifference

And the opposite of life is not death, 

it's indifference.*

Society's dying 

Of this indifference cancer

But we have the cure

We have every answer

And yet we choose to close off

Our emotions inside

And because of that

All that we cherish has died

We can bring it back to life, though,

Have faith in, and love it, if we simply see

Everyone and everything as priceless works of art 

And it starts with you and me.

*Elie Wiesel quote

Author Rant Time

Guys, this is as serious as cancer. (I'd know, by the way; my brother has cancer.) 

We tend to gloss over things in our society, even when we know for certain something is going on with a person. 

It's uncomfortable, even foreign, to approach that same person and try and help. But we as a society need to step up and be that person who prevents a suicide, who gives someone a hug, who asks what's going on and follows through. 

This world is full enough of empty promises and broken dreams. 

We don't need to add to that number. What we need to do is help decrease it.

It just takes one person. 

The world's supply of compassion, kindness, and everything else that's good is slowly dwindling. 

It will dry up if we don't do anything about it.

So do something.

I'm sorry for the rant, but I'm not sorry for the message that I need to convey. 

Love from your author, Beau_Ciel <3 

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